What the hell

what is sad is there wasn't a more funnn action/silly horror film to come out in 12 yearsssSssss. i haven't seen a film in foreverrrr that kept me interested as much as this oneeee. lollll wish i had seen it in theater back in 1998..... but seriously how is this movie one of the best horror/action sillyness i have ever seen!? you'd think other films would tackle the genre and not succkkkk. but i guess what this movie did is kinda harddd....

How many time shall I forgive my brother, seven? ~ Try seventy times seven!


Yeah man it's that good,for me it's better than Alien 3,4,Avp,Avpr

amazing and bad-ass movie



I did go see this in the theater back in 1998, and it was quite the ride!


seriously! it is so fun! beyond me how it's considered such a bad film and no one saw it at box office. got to be top 10 most creative action-horror movies of the last few decades

If i go crazy will you still call me Superman?


have to agree with the majority here. it's a really good, fun action/adventure movie. saw it today and was pleasantly surprised.

"Because of my big legs and my karate, I can do the splits......Noo...Prroblemm"
