Somebody please kill Joey!
Hated that douche!
shareThankyou OP
shareHe was grating for sure. I understand having a comic relief character in general, it can help cut the tension obviously. This movie just overused it, and made him say something 'funny' every 60 seconds. His lines weren't witty, so it was pretty bad.
Also this movie didn't really need a comic relief anyway, it was already silly fun without it. It's a creature feature about mercs doing a insurance scam on a cruise ship full of tentacles. It really didn't need to let us breathe with tension cutting comedy.
Despite his awful character the movie is still a lot of fun all these years later though. The effects are dated sometimes, but treat Williams was a perfect leading man for this 90s B movie cheese fest...
They tried a few times. He was too stupid to realize it.
shareSommers always used this annoying jackass. I guess that Sommers enjoyed his sexual favors, because O’Conner lacked a scintilla of talent. I’ve seen Band-Aids that were wittier.