
Who thought it was hilarious with cookie. I thought she was random but had a good character. I just thought she was fun.


I agree! She's got more chutzpah that most of the other characters in the movie!

One of my favorite lines of hers almost can't be heard. When Harry pulls up at the college, and the professors and students rush to meet his car, there's the awkward and confused scene where the college types are cooing over the famous author, but Harry looks chagrinned, wondering how he's going to tell them that there's a corpse in the backseat, and someone asks "Is he okay?" . . . and Cookie says in that understated way: "He's dead honey. You got one of them rubber bags?"

For some reason, I really love the little bit where Harry puts in his order, so to speak, and she absent mindedly reiterates (as she puts the money away) "a b j, and then hit you." And Woody responds, very pedantically, "No, I want to get the order right or else it's no fun: tie me up, hit me, and THEN give me a b j. . . . "

Clementine: I'm a vindictive little bitch, truth be told!


"He's dead honey. You got one of them rubber bags?"

My brother and I were watching this today and when she said that, we laughed so hard we were crying!

Don't expect, suggest...


Haha, that was my favorite line of the movie.

There's more to evolution than a little DNA.
