MovieChat Forums > Deconstructing Harry (1998) Discussion > Would have been better if there was no c...

Would have been better if there was no cussing!

I like to swear, and sometimes there are times in a movie, where, you gotta curse! but Woody Allen is much too smart to put every other word in this flick the "F" word, it took away the fun of the story.



well his character is not supposed to be likable... he's an *beep* and that's how his character acts. most woody allen films don't usually have anything more than one or two curse words but i think it worked for this movie. if you were a mature adult you would be able to handle it...


Maturity has nothing to do with it. Some people just don't want to hear all that foul language in a movie. Simple as that.


Actually mature people can express themselves without cussing every other word. Foul language is usually used by people that have poor manners or a limited vocabulary. Cussing thus becomes the only way they can express themselves. This should not apply to the characters in this movie. Thus the constant bad language in this movie is out of place and not natural.


I completely disagree. Dialogue is what it is. An auteur like Allen has good reasons to pepper it with swearing. It's patently ridiculous to insist that highly educated and mature people don't swear and cuss. Bullsh*t! Take our President and Vice President for example, both highly educated men yet both have been known to swear in public, even in Congress. Unfortunately for the more prudishly minded, people use language as they see fit, especially in private, where a great deal of this story takes place. In the plot's claustrophobic, confrontational spaces both in reality and in Harry's mind, the dialogue would hang bowdlerized and stilted in our consciousness, another veil of misrepresentation, another layer or fronting from the character: the movie's title is, after all, 'Deconstructing Harry'.

Self-expression mired in etiquette is kitsch, it's not art. If your hang-ups require expelling prurience and non-PG expression from OUR language and keep you from enjoying good movies such as this, you ought to re-think your preconceptions regarding art and maybe deconstruct your own classist and snobbish ideals regarding how other people should act.


Well said.



Stupid stupid stupid. I swear... often. I'm not a philistine or a moron. And no, I don't believe that cussing is fitting only for illiterate morons. It's expression. Plain and simple. What a pack of prudes you all are.

"let's all clap hands!"


Then don´t watch the movies with "all that foul language"! Simple as that! But don´t try to impose your tastes on others and on the movie.
I and most other people in this board agree that the language was part of the characters´ identity and in some cases, yes, lack of manners. Taking out the cuss words would be as incoherent to the characters as Stephen Hawking talking like a 13 year old teenager.


I do believe that people can find other ways to express themselves. People with a greater vocabulary often don't swear as much, however the characters in this movie, and the situations they're in, that might not apply. When someone is pissed they might not be channeling their 3rd year psych class, or english Lit. but rather the first f-ing thing that comes to mind. As for the swearing being written by Woody Allen, it's not like he suddenly forgot how to write, he obviously felt that these people would speak like that. I think the movie worked


well, actually, i know many people who are quite well educated and they curse a lot. Especialy writers and actors. They curse even more than the characters in this movie. (sorry for the spelling, i am not english)


"Self-expression mired in etiquette is kitsch, it's not art. If your hang-ups require expelling prurience and non-PG expression from OUR language and keep you from enjoying good movies such as this, you ought to re-think your preconceptions regarding art and maybe deconstruct your own classist and snobbish ideals regarding how other people should act."

Well put.


Professors swear as much as any group of people and most people wouldn't consider them to be stupid or lacking vocabulary.


Professors swear as much as any group of people and most people wouldn't consider them to be stupid

Then they would be mistaken.

There are as many stupid professors around as there are stupid people in any profession. Only they're harder to get rid of.

Honour thy parents. They were hip to the groove too once you know.


but with the cussing you got the know the real woody.

in this film he's not the bumbling loveable neurotic character of Annie Hall and Mannhattan, he's a cursing womanizing miserable depressive artist...

i.e., he's WOODY!


Actually, he's Woody as seen through the eyes of the millions of people who think that they know him.

i.e. about as far from Allen Stuart Konigsberg as you can get.

"Reality is the new fiction they say, true is truer these days, truth is man-made"


Every film that makes more than twenty-five cents at the box office these days has cursing in it...why does the cursing in this film bother you so?


When Woody cursed during the movie, it just didn't seem like the same old Woody. I don't mind cursing in movies but not from him. It seemed like he was selling out a little. I would have been happier if his character got upset about the others cursing.



I agree.

And he already poked fun of a character cursing in Manhattan.


i think there was a bit too much profanity in this movie. more than in any other woody flick. i guess he was trying to change his style, especially since this movie is different from his other ones (strange cuts, overwhelming amount of cursing) although the side-stories/fantasies stayed, self-hating jew/neurotic new yorker stayed, and the giant all-star cast stayed.


As to the opinion that (from a different part of the thread, but the concept is the same), "Foul language is usually used by people that have poor manners or a limited vocabulary. Cussing thus becomes the only way they can express themselves."

Mark Twain (the man who said, "If I cannot swear in heaven I shall not stay there") once gave a speech in which he discussed the fallacy that "no gentleman ever swears." You can read it at



yeah, woody using the "c word" made my head spin. however, i liked how unapologetic this movie was. and seriously, if people don't like swearing, don't watch the movie. it doesn't mean you have poor manners or a limited vocabulary if you swear. i curse like a sailor around my friends, but i know when it's time to keep it at bay (no pun intended). and i know what 'zeitgeist' means, but i never use it because it's a pretentious word and the title of the new smashing pumpkins disaster. and don't expect woody to be "that funny man" all the time. he's an artist, you're a consumer, it's all part of the contract. artist produces, public selectively consumes. if you don't like it, it doesn't matter and the artist owes nothing to you. woody allen and neil young are some of my favorite artists for this very reason.

and to echo the statements about AMC, they make me sick. have you ever seen the edited version of The Big Lebowski? "they peed on your valued rug"?? "this is what happens when you find a stranger in the alps"????????? are you f'ing kidding me?
