allens twisted side
damn this was pretty dark for a woody allen film
anyone agree?
Kudos for Dec. Harry! It's nice to see his more twisted half sprout at last in his work. You can thank Bergman for that.
So, as to answer your question: I don't know.
I agree; I dug it.
"Death, you are my bitch lover!"
I love his darker, more out there stuff. CELEBRITY is really really dark at times (Leo DiCaprio's part! holy!)... not to mention HUSBANDS/WIVES, CRIMES/MISDEMEANORS, STARDUST MEMORIES (hell, nearly all of his black and white films)... ANOTHER WOMAN is one of the most depressing films I've ever seen.
Allen really hasn't made anything dark since this movie, for whatever reason. Yeah there are dark moments in all the films from here on, but this was one of the darkest, most experimental, and just all around WELL MADE filmsthat I've seen.
Shuji Terayama forever.
For some reason, I feel like Deconstructing Harry was Woody's elephant in the room. Like a time bomb ready to explode. Since Husbands and Wives, Woody had been loathed by critics and lynched by the medias, exposed by his ex-girlfriend Mia Farrow. Deconstructing Harry was the most self-smearing, vulgar, indifferent and imperfect piece of film Woody had ever made. From then on, Woody's detractors had nothing to bite into, as he had proven that his very worst critic was himself. The time bomb exploded, and Woody was able to work at ground zero once again.
The room's a wreck, but her napkin is folded.
Just watched it for the first time, and that seems to me a lot of sense. Great stuff.