i watched this movie as a
teen(14ish) and i don't remember much about it but i don't recall it being bad either. since it was on netflix, i decided to watch it again.i wish i hadn't done that because it was horrible.
every time Palmer came on scene i cringed, his character is god-awful. he is part stalker, part ass-hat and as desperate as they come.Ellie was too emotional and it just seemed she would throw tantrums to get what she wanted, are they trying to convey that since her father died she never grew up? idk. David was a snake but they never tell why he does those things like take credit for Ellie's' work.
also i would have liked for all that dialogue to pay off some where but sadly when contact was finally made it was a big let down. i have ordered the book in hopes that i will get a better full story than this movie had to offer.