Did Ellie ...
Did Ellie purchase her car from "New Deal, used cars?"
I just over the last few weeks did a marathon watching Used Cars and the Back to the Future 30th anniverery stuff. Popped this in as I wanted to watch John Hurt's performance, and then played through some of the commentary tracks to see what Zemekis had to say about directing him.
Zemekis tends to put references to his earlier films. Although on this he seems to be a director for hire. I did notice that in the cometary Z notes that some of Ellie's exposition parallels Doc Browns.
One could also see Hadden as Doc Brown quite a bit Darker, and a lot more funding and less moral scruples. I also noticed that we see Hadden (in person) Much earlier than realized, as we are watching his televisions in the airplane and his hand is on the remote switching the channels. I wonder if that is Hurt's hand or a hand double.
As for Used Cars, I am one who sort of sees it as a sort of back story to the Clinton's political machine. Perhaps if Dub Taylor was still around he could have played one of the politicians. Kurt Russel should have played the POTUS. Kitz could perhaps be the smarmy lawyer.
Used Cars was not too well known as the studio botched the release (I only saw it because I was in film school at the time. but it was later on video I fell in love with it.) It could be that there are not too many Used Cars references in Contact as Bob Gale probably inserted them into the BTTF scrips. I think this was made when Bob and Bob had a falling out over the Animated BTTF series. Not sure if they ever patched it up.
BTW: Doc Brown purchased the Delorian from New Deal Used Cars. Look closely at the key fob.