Poor Choice of Movie Title?
This movie is excellent, but it has not received nearly as much attention from movie audiences as other, IMO inferior, animated films
I would think that if you were at the movies and saw on the marquee a movie titled CATS DONT DANCE you would be FAR less likely to watch it than if the movie were titled CATS DO DANCE
We all know that real cats don't dance. Just by reading the title, many people might assume that it is a straightforward story about cats not doing an activity that is widely known they cannot do
IF they had titled it Cat's Do Dance, people would be much more curious about the film and seeing something fresh, new, and fantastical
As evidence of this idea, consider the classic film All Dogs Go To Heaven. Due to biblical scripture we know that animals have no souls and thus do not go to heaven. So the title, by claiming the impossible, tingles your curiosity and makes you want to check it out