Wrecked Corvette

How come Dirk’s Corvette front is busted when they pull in front of Rahad’s place? Is this a deleted scene ? Because we do not see Dirk getting into a crash with his Corvette in any of the scenes before.


deleted scene - rollergirl kicked it when they wouldn't share the candy


Deleted scene, yes
Your description, no.

Dirk rams it into (I think) a tree while he's driving (coked up out of his mind & doing more blow the whole time) to help a porn actress (who had called him) who's being beaten by her boyfriend.


The corvette is wrecked in one of the deleted scenes. It's the scene when Becky gets beat up by her husband.


They should have kept that scene in the movie. Not sure why they deleted it. Before seeing the delete scene, I had always wondered how the 'vette got wrecked. That was a bad editing choice if you ask me since part of the plot towards the end of the movie is them trying to get money to fix the car.
