This is one of my faves that I intentionally avoid... It's like listening to a new song over and over eventually spoiling it... so I hold back... its like opting for candy on the day you really crave it...
So, I just had candy....
A couple of scenes:
The long shot with Burt and roller girl walking into the club
The long shot with Macy chatting abt work after he just saw his wife doing xyz
The firecracker scene
Mark dancing on stage and the characters queueing in...
Each and every moment Philip Seymour waxed
Xst I can go on and on... Just wow.
Affirmation on importance of soundtrack also very evident.
Paul Anderson ur the man. Dude... ur the man.
Next up... Snatch - In about a month's time.
Now... dicks have drive and clarity of vision, but they are not clever...