MovieChat Forums > Boogie Nights (1997) Discussion > Doesn't glamorize porn industry - Shows ...

Doesn't glamorize porn industry - Shows Just How Sleazy & Stupid it Is!

As a matter of fact, that was one of my favorite things about the movie that all these idiotic people think they are being so fab when really the lives they are leading are so trashy and without esthetic, especially the 70's "fashions" - cringe worthy!

I also note a joke with Don Cheadle's "name" - Buck Swope - Has to be a nod to the very funny movie Putney Swope.

This positively infantile preoccupation with bosoms!Terry-Thomas about US 1963.Hasnt changed much!


Compared to what? These people like to party, like to have a good time, and to screw. They'd be better off as file clerks or something? They may be silly and somewhat naive, they may have their ups and their downs, but they're decent-hearted folk and they're a family who all care for each other. That's more than can be said for most law firms.



Even more of a shocker is that according to Anderson, the porn biz had an influx of employment seekers after the movie.
OH, your comment on :70's "fashions" - cringe worthy!
. In thirty years from now, people will look at our fashions and hair cuts and roll on the floor laughing.They will look at a picture of you and ask "what were you thinking!!! lol.....Its just the way it is.


Porn had nothing to do w the movie. You missed the whole point


doesn't seem to glamorize porn until the end.

child please


What industry isn't stupid and sleazy, on some level? To me, it was about broken people who didn't know how to put their lives back together and found refuge together in the adult film industry. Even Jack, the patriarchal figure of the film, was chasing something he could never attain: a perfect film.

in the end, everyone had to learn to come to terms with their respective pasts and accept who they are, what they are and where they are.


And Jack is definitely depicted as truly caring about his actors -- his "kids" -- certainly in comparison to the other scumbags in the industry, like The Colonel and certainly Floyd Gondolli (a character I think Anderson put in there to hint at the Mafia involvement in porn.)


I dunno.The 70's section made me really wish I was part of the scene, myself. The 80's section not so much, although in reality there were still actual films being made in the industry in the 80's. In fact, I don't think video started dominating the industry until well after 1984.
