Tell me it isn't real...

If you haven't seen the original film, just don't bother with the rest of this post...or do yourself a favor and check it out...the REAL Blues Brothers movie is well worth the time (in my humble opinion, IMHO)...

Okay, with that out of the way, I was and remain a huge fan of the original movie, so upon hearing that a sequel had been released my thought was: "Sea Monkeys", as in "Wow, this could be great or it could really blow goats". Same director, same screenwriter, hell even the same costume designer as the first, this could have been a nice re-visitation to a bit of a legend (in my world, at least) that is the Blues Brothers Band.
Granted, as a commercial musical group, the sum was definitely less than its parts, but hey, it had a good what if about half of their offical album output was... um, ...hmmm...not as good as the other half? >That's polite enough, right?

Well, the goats are happy.

Yes, BB King (not to mention any of the other truly gifted and talented musical luminaries in this steaming lump of cinematic-cash-houn ding-"are you SURE that the kid who played Buster didn't write the script?"-"I am so sorry I borrowed this movie, but at least now I know..." -excrementally guided...I can't go on, it's just so bad-- movie have done a lot great things. None, absolutely none of those great moments happen, or are even echoed here in this slapdash crapfest.
Based on the "film", the soundtrack can't be all that good either, as all of the on-screen performances at least were uninspired and thoroughly weak. Steve Cropper, Donald Dunn, Eric Clapton, Lonnie Brooks, BB King, James fu--ing BROWN, Isaac Hayes (just for some names off the top of my head) STILL were able to never get past mediocrity, IMHO, in this embarrassing tripeshoot. Yes, they (and the rest) are incredibly influential (and with damn good reason) musicians/singers. The movie still sucks the Windex right off the glass, and I have strong suspicions that the soundtrack can't be much different. The songs in the film were certainly anemic.

Vitriolic? Yes, I just sat through this turd and I feel dirty.

Nope, it's not "Sea Monkeys". This waste of plastic is f'in Clown Shoes.
Avoid at all costs.

The one upside: It was nice (repeat, "nice", not "good" or "rewarding") to see the old -movie- band again. I feel like I grew up watching the original (pathetic, yeh maybe, so what?), so it was sort of like going to visit relatives you hadn't seen in a long time (but loved then) who have somehow become cataclysmically retarded in the meantime. Sad, nice and not something you'd ever do again. Man, Akyroyd (& Landis) used to not be this way. Sad.

F&*&in' clown shoes.

Yes, everything I wrote is painfully obvious, but I had to say it, and I do feel a little better knowing that when I return the thing to my friend and he says "So, what'chda think?" I can honestly tell him that it's right up there with "Time Bandits" & "Jeepers Creepers" on the bad-movie list.

I tried to give it a fair shot, I really did...


And wasn't it "Bob's Country BUNKER?"'s time for a palate cleanser like, Ghostbusters 2, or maybe that god-awful John Lennon "bio" from 15 years ago...just think of all the movies that look better after you've watched this thing. Kinda like sucking a dog's ass just so one can appreciate a nice sirloin.

God save us from anymore post-1984 Aykroyd anything.

Save yourself and your loved ones from this wretched abomination.


LOL,well said!


after seeing the first 30 minutes of caddyshack 2 i a wanted no part of bb 2000.
