Not particularly bad but...

I just couldn't get into it. It was just bland and pointless. Oh and does anyone think that they killed Jake off so as to avoid temptation to make a third film, and bring in some *beep* new Jake who is just sooo laughable it kills the film (if it needed that to kill it lol) No offense, but blue brothers 1980 is one of my fav movies which really could have done without a sequel!

Maxine Purvis: What you looking at?
Yvonne Atkins: Not half as as many years as you.


Also John Belushi had sadly died in real life and it would be very direspectful to have another actor playing Jake and no one else could pull it off as good as John. This movie would not have been so bad if it came it before the first one, the reason its bad is it brings nothing new, the amount of scenes that are similar to the first one is mind blowing i.e Aretha Franklin singing to her husband, singing in the church and over the top car crashes to name a few.
