I'm sure this has been brought up many, many times, but Goddamnit, I'll say it anyways -- You can't do the Blues Brothers with Dan Akroyd and not with John Belushi. You can't replace John Belushi, no matter how hard you try. I don't even care if you're not trying to replace him, The key thing that made the first film such a classic was John's input. If he didn't think something worked, whether it be a song number, or a scene, or whathaveyou, they'd throw it out. The problem with Blues Brothers 2000 was that John wasn't involved (obviously), so therefore, every goofy idea that Akroyd had, they went with it. And ultimately, everyone felt lost, because it just didn't have that same spark that the first one possessed.
Had John not destroyed himself so early in his life, I have no doubt that this would have been one of the best sequels ever, possibly better than the first. But without him, it was doomed to fail.
arghh people like this piss me off, i mean, no offence, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and i guess this is wat these pages are for, but dude. . ur talkin like u were on the set, and you knew exactly what john belushi was doing,when in reality i highly doubt you were. yeh it wasnt a great follow up, but the origional set some pretty high standards so i guess wat did we expect. Despite what people say about the film now, and sayin stuff like it shudnt of been made, i bet when you heard a follow up was gona be made you were pretty egar and excited to see it, an i guess thats why they made it. not great, but hey at last we got to see elwood blues on screen one las time and find out what happened next
You're right, I wasn't on the set, but a lot of people featured in the various documentaries WERE on the set. And they happened to talk alot about John Belushi and his influence as to what wound up in the film.
And, right again, it wasn't a great follow-up, and I'll tell you why: First of all, it's a sequel to a movie called the Blues Brothers. The Blues Brothers ARE Dan Akroyd and John Belushi. Not just in the film, but on SNL, on albums, and everywhere else. And since John Belushi is no longer with us, it is not logical, nor is it even a good idea to make a sequel to a film that doesn't feature BOTH of the title-characters. It'd be like doing "Bill and Ted's Gnarly Quest" but with Bill and some other guy, named Steve.
Secondly, Elwood Blues was not at all behaving like Elwood Blues. "Are you guys okay?" "You know what, Mack? You can SING!" I could go on-and-on, but the point is, if this film had been made twenty years ago, I can damn-near guarantee you that would not hear even half of the same lines.
Thirdly, the whole film is basically just a rehash of all the same gags from the original, only everyone is twenty years older, and it's somehow less funny. I wonder why that is?
And for the record, when I heard a follow-up was gonna be made, I was kinda perturbed.
I really loved the first film. I'm 16 years old, and since i first saw it a few years ago, it has been without a doubt my favorite film, and since has inspired me to look into The Blues Brothers and other such R and B bands, and then even further back to blues musicians. For me, the film really represents the pinnacle of all the magic than can come out of both cinema and music. With all of this in mind, i really have no problem with the sequel. I was pleasantly surprised after recieveing it on DVD a couple of Christmasses ago, and after watching it (and lending to friends) have no qualms about calling it a decent film. Granted, it isn't the origional, and i doubt anything could come close to the origional but it doesn't ruin the myth of the first and the whole legend of The BLues Brothers. I would recommend anyone who saw the first to check this out. In the same way, i'd advise anyone who likes the films to check out the Blues Brothers website. Theres some great downloads on it... http://www.bluesbrotherscentral.com/
Jesus?! do you not even know why this movie was made?! when john died it said in his nwill not to have a massive fancy funeral but to make the blues brothers 2! obviously they didnt wanna dishonour his final wish so they made it! it wasnt good but thats why they made bb2 meaning the chances of bb3 are slim to none