Could have been a good sequel..
I'm shocked Dan Aykroyd and John Landis were responsible for this. Who would have thought the original guys would make such a lousy follow up. This felt like it should have been a cartoon, made by two people who didn't quite get the original.
I was a kid when this movie came out, and even I didn't like the fact that they put a kid with the blues brothers then. I was already a big fan of the original, and hoped this one wouldn't be dumbed down or aimed for a younger audience. Which it was. It's such a more tame movie. Having a kid say the word "sh-t" doesn't compare to the guys ranting about "F-in Illinois Nazis."
The whole time, I was hoping Elwood would just smack Buster. The character shouldn't exist. The first few minutes of the movie weren't THAT bad, to be honest. It was only the moment when Buster shows up that everything goes up shtscreek, as Jake might say.
If they had to do a sequel, which I'm not totally against if it was done right, it should have been about Elwood learning of "Zee" Blues existence and trying to track him down or something. I know Jim couldn't be in the film due to scheduling conflicts or legal contract issues or whatever, but that's what the movie should have been about. Not Elwood's misadventures as a sort-of adoptive father.
John Goodman may have been a fan, but so are a lot of other people. He didn't really contribute anything to be honest. The idea of Cab having a son somewhere was neat, but the way they did it was just... no. It made me cringe to watch. I just have to wonder if Dan and Landis looked at each other while making the movie and shared a certain glance that said "This thing is a piece of sht." I really hope John smacks them both the next time they all meet.
"You make a noise, Mr. 44 makes a noise.
You ask a question, Mr. 44 answers it."