the main reason it sucked

the zombies. the lady turns them into zombies. at that point, i almost wanted to kill myself.


I agree 100%.

I also think Cab flying into the heavens and changing clothes was a bit stupid.

I also prefer the dirty grotty feel of Chicago in the original. Everything in the background looked too clean in this one!


I agree with all of that, but come on the movie had NO plot whatsoever. It was an excuse to give Dan Aykroyd's failing career one more hurrah. Too bad it didn't last very long. How about how they pretty much used a carbon copy of the first movie. This movie also felt like an excuse to crash as many cars as possible.


I never got that scene didn't do anything to move the plot forward other than to just get them to the battle of the bands and it's never brought up it was a big lipped aligator moment.

Also...I had the feeling since Landis directed this movie like he did the first/original Blues Brothers that he was trying to pay homage to Thriller (which he also directed) hence the zombies.

But with the calapyso makes me think that it was trying to be the Banana Boat scene from Beetlejuice.
