Total of Totaled Cars

In the chase scene after the revival has anyone ever tried counting the number of cop cars that get wrecked? It's really tricky to get an exact number with all the camera angle switches, but my friends and I always try to count anyway everytime we see it and almost always get a different number. We always get somewhere in the range of 55 and 60 though. I just watched it again a few minutes ago and got 58. Submit the numbers you have gotten if you've ever tried counting.


I think somewhere I heard 92


Ahh, that's probably the actual number they wrecked. We always just tried counting the ones they show being wrecked on camera, which is apparently much lower.


Yeah its well over 50+ or maybe even over 92 because it still holds the record for most cars crashed in making a movie, and probably always will now that computer stuff has taken over.


well, i heard that the total # crashed in gone in 60 seconds is 93, and blues bros. holds the world record so i'm guessing it's higher than 93, but 93 is just what i heard, might not be accurate


My question in that scene is did they do that in one take?


Very doubtful.


Is in the 2000 Guinness Book of World Records I remember reading it a few times before in the book


That was for biggest pileup The Junkman holds the record for most cars distroyed in one film-150 theres a record that will never be touched


Most car wrecks/pileups if films, are done with multiple cameras set up, so it can be done in one take. Keep in mind, such things are big stunts and one take is all you can get depending on the number of vehicles you have to wreck. Plus, like any car stunt(or stunt in general), there is inherant danger and risk involved. So yeah, good chance it was done in one take, and done with mulitiple cameras set up from different angles. Then you have to take in effect, your many cars can you get/afford to wreck.



Following its predecessor, Blues Brothers 2000 made it into the Guinness Book of Records for the biggest car pile-up, a record previously held by the original film. Approximately 60 cars were used in the scene after Elwood says to the band, "Don't look back." Inevitably, everyone looks back and sees the massive pile-up. Portions of this scene were filmed in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Many of these cars are quite obviously driverless in the scene.
