worst sequel EVER!!!

god-awful, one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I woulda walked out, but I needed my parents to give me a ride home.

"I'm sorry. Did I break your concentration?"



a terrible sequel, in my opinion, is ruining a fantastic movie with a bad sequel. If the original was bad, and the sequel is bad, it is not a bad sequel, just an OK sequel, but a bad movie nonetheless

"I'm sorry. Did I break your concentration?"


music was good though. at least give it that. but the film sucked.
thank god for soundtracks.



Gosh... w/o John Belushi, there are no Blues Brothers!!




You can't appreciate this movie unless you love blues, soul, gospel, etc.
Did any one of you notice the musical talent in this movie?
Do any of you kids know who BB King is?
Did you see him in the original?
Did you see Wilson Pickett in the original?
Did you see Dr. John or Steve Winwood in the original?
Did you see Eric Clapton in the original?
This movie isn't for teenyboppers.
This is for people who know the music greats and appreciate them.

It's all gonna be alright!


this movie SUCKED!!!! maybe not the work movie of all time but defiantly the worst with "2000" in the title!!!


I have to agree with you syndrome477 the talent in this movie was awsome.
Its a comedy,and I think its funny. So to all that don't like it, don't watch it there are too many films out there to be worried about this one.
Some peopld just don't get this type of humor.


Now I know I'm one of those "kids" you mentioned... But I am a blues lover... In fact I play keyboard in a Jazz/Blues band in Australia... So I know where you're coming from... BB King, Wilson Pickett, Eric Clapton, etc... all brilliant musicians... doesn't make the film any good though...

I must agree however that the music is first class... love it all... not the best work from any of the artists on the soundtrack... but still brilliant...!


I know all of those musicians. Most of them had their first hit after I began listening to music.

Nonetheless, if I wanted good music, I wouldn't turn to this soundtrack. The stars are a great extra, but they didn't do anything but jam. These guys wouldn't be stars if the soundtrack was the best they could produce.

As to the movie itself, it was a poor sequel in every way possible.

I leave you with this final thought: Dan Akroyd thought it was an extremely poor movie. He tried to abandon it.


He could have had Jimmy Hendrix and Elvis on top, that wouldn't change the fact that this movie SUCKED!

First one also had tons of musical geniuses but a good story and humour as well. "This is for people who know the music greats and appreciate them." <= those people cringe even more to see such a great cast and so much talent being wasted on such a poor script.


Didn't the fact that the musical talent out did the orignal tenfold give you any reason to like this movie...or were you just watching for the two Blues Brothers?

It's all gonna be alright!


I could not agree with you more. I was not a big fan of the origina;, but this sequel was horrible. I gave it a 2/10. It didnt need to be made. Cult classics should not have sequels.



The music, man- you know you love the music.

It's all gonna be alright!


And I loved the first film... Brilliant...



"Grease 2" was worse.


I think that being a huge fan of the original made me hate this movie all the more. I saw it fifteen years ago in the theater and the memory of its rancid awfulness remains strong.


As someone else said, it was just a silly movie with great music - just like the original!!

Of course it can never be the cult classic that the original is, since that role was already taken - by the original! "More of the same" - even if it is EXACTLY the same - will never seem quite as good, because it's been done before. But that doesn't mean it was bad.

I enjoyed it, and was happy to have "more of the same."
