Better than the original!!

This movie was halarious!! I couldn't stop laughing! Dan Ackroid is an amazing actor. He was pretty good in the first one, but this one was roll on the floor laughing off my ass!

Get busy livin..... or die tryin - Morgan Freeman, "The Shawshank Redemption"


I love this movie too, I wouldn't say it's better then the original, you can't bet the amazing unstoppable team of Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi. But I like that Dan was able to sing more in BB2, sad John wasn't around to be in it though. But both movies are my favorites and are very funny from the beginning to the end.

*"The light was yellow, sir". -Elwood Blues.*


I totally agree with the OP. I've watched both films and I think part 2 appeals more to me than the first.


Are you all on medication?

This film is an abomination.

No wit and no style. The dialogue appears to have been written by a child.


I agree. It was not better than the original.


No way this is better than the original! There is no comparison! If you thought Blues Brothers 2000 was better than The Blues Brothers, than you must be a complete idiot and/or not paid attention to the first movie. Without John Belushi, this movie was just not the same. Elwood misses Jake and it shows. The Blues Brothers is a classic movie; this movie is not!


I'll have to agree....I enjoyed this one much more than the first movie. These other people, all they do is insult and call others names to make their points. I never cared for John Belushi's acting and maybe that in part is why I disliked the first movie.

This BB2000 is nowhere near an abomination in terms of it being an enjoyable comedy movie with catchy songs and a fun journey. These fans can smack talk all they want by saying we are braindead and crap, but noone has the same tastes in movies, music or TV, so just because one group dislikes a movie, it doesn't mean we all have to. We each see things differently and shame on anyone who tries to bully their beliefs on others through foul language.


Don't compare this with the original it's just a very enjoyable and funny movie with some great music!


If i went to the movies and watched this crap....i would have walked out after 20 minutes.......If you love musicals i guess its fun....but if you wanted a sequel..this was not.


No I disagree this movie is not better than the original. The music is certainly better. BB King, Aretha doing Respect, Eric Clapton, Bluestraveler, etc. But the movie is very recycled. Some of the jokes feel old and have been done before and were done better in the first one. Also who actually believes a strip joint would allow a boy who is not even in high school to be in it? Seriously DUH.


I don't think I would say it's better than the original, but the music is phenomonal. The plot is pretty much recycled from the original, but the music makes it worth the price of admission


Yeah, I liked it better, surprisingly.

Watched the first at school one arvo and didn't understand the fuss, watched this on TV a couple of years later and was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Watched it again last night, overlong and maybe a bit TOO ridiculous here and there, but still really enjoyed it, don't understand the hate.

Feel like having another look at the first now, though :)

"The battle for the soul is fought in the forum of art."



It wasn't better or worse than the original; it was basically "more of the same." And, since I loooooved the original, "more of the same" was a God-send. I loved it.

