MovieChat Forums > Blues Brothers 2000 (1998) Discussion > The biggest problems with this film

The biggest problems with this film

1). Whereas the original was cool, this one was just plain geeky, even sleazy.

2). Nothing about this film had anything to do with the 'blues'. Everything was so colourful, and everyone was so wealthy and the sun was shining all the time - that ain't the 'blues'.

3). Elwood's voice was annoying. For one thing it seemed as if he didn't stop talking throughout the film, and his accent was annoying. He didn't sound like that in the original.

4). The big car chase was dull. It's as if the filmmakers decided to find the quietest field somewhere, where they wouldn't inconvenience anyone, and smash cars until their hearts content. As such, it was just an exercise in demolition.

5). It felt so removed from reality. In the original the car chase took place on real streets in Chicago, the Mall car chase took place in a shopping mall (yes i know it was created for the film, but a shopping mall is a place we all know and are familiar with). All that stuff in the Deep South and magic - it didn't mean anything and was at odds with what the 'blues' is.

6). It was so 'Hollywood' to put a kid in the film. I fully expected a chimp to show up at any moment in a 'Blues Brothers' suit and hat. The kid was useless to the story and was a bore to watch.

7). Elwood was so goody-two-shoes in this film. In the original he lied (about becoming a priest) and stole (items and money from the girl at the petrol station). In fact, everyone is a little too squeaky clean in the sequel...

In anybody's language this was a terrible film and a great dissappointment. What a shame.



Very True!

This is one of very few films that I actually stopped half way through as it was so crap. I watched parts of each scene to ensure I still got the full story, but it was absolutely awful!

There was no point having a kid in the film. May as well have been a damn Telletubby! It lowered the standard and the film looked even more pathetic. John Belushi died in 1982, and the Blues Brothers died with him. I think that any future films just wouldn't work without Belushi.

Not to forget the fact that this film has an awful plot. It's reminds me of a little kids film (which it most certainly shouldn't have been). Not the type that suits adults also, but the type where dancing bears are jumping around playing with talking rabbits etc.

Anyone who enjoyed this film: You have a very bad taste in films. I suggest you go and watch the Teletubbies or perhaps Sesame Street.


THe story itself is bogus. The producers give you that. What is important is the music and the spirit of the original movie. The young man brings a smile to your face when you see him perform. Don't over analyze this movie-just enjoy the music.


I didn't really care for John Goodman either. It was an allstar cast though. And I did drive through Panther Burn a few weeks ago. Not that anyone cares. Huge fan of the original, but my kids seem to like 2000 better. As long as their interest in cool music increases and don't go the way of corporate radio, I am extremely pleased they like it. The Ghostriders thing was stupid, but My son loved it. He loves goofy *beep* though. And what is with Elwood talking so much continuously, did he do that in the original? or is that something Dan Ackroyd come with for his radio shows?


Just the fact that Ackroyd even mentioned Panther Burn makes this movie great.


I totally agree with robertwb. I was so dissapointed with this film. The charm of the original was the insane car chases and ensuing multi car pileups when a cop or 2 got it wrong while in pursuit. Jake and Elwood making more and more enemies as they went along. As soon as Elwood runs the red/yellow light the chase is on and it goes till they are finally caught at the end of the movie. Cops, a psychotic ex girlfriend, a local group of nazis, a venue owner teaming up with a country and western band, SWAT, U.S Army and even the Mafia end up chasing Jake and Elwood, while the brothers are tracking down their former band members to put on 1 more show to raise money for the orphanage they grew up in. Jake and Elwood were scoundrels that destroyed everything they came into contact with, but were so charming while they did it.
Blues Brothers 2000 had none of this. Only some cops in pursuit and half a dozen dopey russian gangsters. 1 multi car pileup that came from nothing and was very weak. Elwood seemed to be what Forrest Gump would be if he were a Blues brother, only more dim witted with an annoying voice. John Goodman just wasn't convincing as a band member through no fault of his own, his character was just flawed. The kid simply wasn't necessary and I knew the film was doomed 5 minutes after he was first introduced. Then Elwood and co wandering about the place boringly until going to a tropical voodoo magic type island?? WTF!!?? At that point I was wishing I had the contacts the writers and producers had so I could get some of whatever they were on when they came up with that. I would hate to see the rejected parts of the story, you know, where the creative team said "Nah that's just too stupid to put in the movie". And it was all a tribute to John Belushi and Cab Calloway? Talk about pissing all over a grave. I'd go further than that and say they pissed, took a huge steamy dump all over the grave then preceeded to wipe their arse all over the headstone.



The importand thing i think is that the soundtrack was great : really a worthly sequel to the original. Of course they couldn't recapture the magic and the feeling of the first one! what did you expected ? But the songs made it a nice experience and I dont care if the car-chases were absent or the kid was really stupid (I wish the kid was not in seriously).


Elwood's voice may be the only thing I can mostly agree on. Sure he didn't talk so much in the original one, he was always look on as a quiet type of guy, but once he started talking so much in the second one, it's like...."Dude, your voice! What's wrong with you?"

I guess after nearly over a decade, Dan Aykroyd must of forgotten how Elwood was suppose to sound like. Seems that the music was the only thing I've notice everyone liked from the second one, that we can all agree that the plot was real weak.


A lot of people put this film down. Lots of great cameos from the old movie and from music legends.

I didn't like John Goodman when he went on SNL & tried to be a Blues Brother. Sadly, that started the problem. Goodman replacing Belushi - there's your problem. (I like Goodman in anything else.)

If you really watch the film, Elwood finding & perusing Cab was cool. What needed to happen is little Buster, played by J. Evan Bonifant, needed a better relationship/bonding story with Elwood. (Then the part of Jake being gone would have smoothed out easier.) I always said when Buster breaks out the harmonica (it's out of nowhere) - Elwood should have given him a harp before. Like "This is the first cool thing my brother (or Curtis) gave me, etc." Then we would assume he started practicing & was a natural. Again, that could have bonded them together. J. Evan Bonifant won me over with his dance moves during "Respect." He shows a lot of talent in the film and it could have made the film better.

I'm told about 3 hours of film was on the cutting room floor, and that could have happened somewhat. Anyway, having "Mac" REPLACE "Jake" was the problem. Letting Elwood mentor Buster, was NOT the problem if you watch & think about what I just wrote.

Only my opinion... but it does make sense.


The biggest problem with this film are the fans that are so besotted with the original that they can't give this film the kudos it deserves for being a funny and entertaining homage to greatest music of our time.
