any 90s kids like me?

that saw this first and like it more than the original?


originally, yes I thought it was better. However, having bought the double pack DVD its clear that the first film is far better. I still don't agree with the universal hating of this film, I still think it's good!


It's in the same league but not better (maybe just as good). I was born in '90 so it must be for the kids of the 90's!!!

Happy Birthday Ian Mckellen, Jamie Kennedy & Frank Oz!!!


I'm born in 88 and I love 2000! I love all the music so I bought the cd and listen to it with my mother when we clean or cook.

What happened to age before beauty? Age stomped beauty's ass!


You're 88 and you mother is still alive??

Dragonzord! Mastodon! Pterodactyl! Triceratops! Saber Toothed Tiger! Tyrannosaurus!


I'm amazed 90s children would like this. I was born in the 70s, and was plain embarassed when Elwood gives that fogey speech about "it's the music, man" - he just sounded like an old man, and wasn't really making it relevant to today IMHO.


I'm a 90's kid and I must say, I love this movie.
maybe, more than the original. Not too sure though.


I did see this before the original version.

Both versions are good but the 1980 version is best


Sadly this was the first introduction I got to the Blues Brothers in general, you would have to be as insane as takkunelwood is to like this puke fest of a movie.


Then consider me a loony toon!

It's nowhere as good as the first but it's not a wasted film either, it's fun and has it's moments. One of the better nostalgic films of the 90's for me.


Just googled takkunelwood because I had no idea what you were talking about.
If I was a tad younger and I had access to the Internet before I did, I would seem way more insane by now.

I became a BBfan a couple of years or so before this movie was first re-announced: as long as I recall, an Italian blues singer had a guest recording at the HOB.
He asked rights to a footage of Dan Aykroyd and Jim Belushi singing and added some digital effects aside for his music video. The pictures out in the magazines had also Goodman in it, but he wasn't in the final cut.
As soon as that video was on TV, so was the rumor of a second BB movie.
Back in the day I was a fan-girl in my teens, so yes, already by then I started counting the days and giggle.

The soundtrack was on the record shops way before the movie itself, so I managed to buy it and hear immediately. It managed to be pretty good on its own and dared to promote new soul and blues performers. I had bets on "634-5789": it had to be in a Blues Brothers movie, also a really good Battle of the Bands was already rumored and I kept being a proud fan-girl.
Off course I saw this movie on screen it's first week-end out and I long waited for it!
I spent a full Sunday afternoon to convince at least one of my parents and finally dragged my father against his will to the cinema.
Now that I think of it, some people walked out as far Elwood is told that Jake is dead, but I found it rather dum, since John Belushi would have been dead by 16 years, part of the plot and trailers had aired on other screens and tv for a while, it was on the news, so I wonder what they expected.

My expectations where pretty high as well, I didn't enjoy the "family friendly" tone, mostly because the first movie managed to be a kids favorite because it wasn't all that family friendly...
Maybe Buster character could have been played by Jonny Lang? I mean, somebody older, more complex and more talented in music?
Unfortunately for me, language made that side worse. The jokes were all translated and dubbed, other options were much harder to get then. Even if translation of BB2k was more precise than BB, it was sad that so many jokes don't really translate :(

I know, dubbing is an Art, voice-actors are as skilled as the others and they're chosen for how they sound good first and resemblance after.
By this, sure, Tiberi had a better speaking voice than Aykroyd, but something tells me he sounded waaay older in the second movie (just checked, he was only 5 years older) and couldn't talk as fast. He sounded sweeter, there are scenes in TBB where he's so good, it makes me want to watch it again just dubbed and because his voice. BB2k doesn't have that, but I'm still ok with it: when in Rome (pun intended)... Piero's voice IS still "our" Dan (R.I.P.).

After all the waiting and guessing I probably had to like it anyway and maybe I liked it (still shout "Hell no" to a third one). More of a guilty pleasure, as soon as I could get my hands on the tape, it was already in my player and run as much as the first movie did.
The final battle of the bands was too good, Erykah Badu was amazing, I know the plot is not a plot, is lame and all you want, but Elwood's final rant saves it: it's all for the good music.
I mean, how many Twilight movies are out there now?
So what if I was into BB2k?
At least Eric Clapton was in it.


The soundtrack was perhaps the only good part in my opinion, I just feel that some of the musicians were wasted in it, yes there were good musical numbers but a lot of the appearances were just wasted. Sadly, this was the first thing to introduce me to the Blues Brothers - well before Drake and Josh came along that is.
