I agree about Jim Belushi and axing the Buster character, but, that's about it. Simply replace John Goodman with Jim and this film might have been somewhat successful.
Unfortunately, at the time, Goodman had much more star power and clout in the Hollywood industry. He was just coming off of the long-running T.V. show Roseanne one year prior and Aykroyd probably wanted him to take the place of John Belushi since he kind of resembled him in a way.
I think the Cabel Chamberlain character was fine as a semi-replacement for Curtis since the actor had passed away in 1994.
As for the Buster character: I can pretty much say, Buster almost single-handedly ruined this movie for me. I have absolutely no idea why they had to introduce a kid into a Blues Brothers film. It was originally about two brothers on a mission from God to raise money by putting the band back together. If they had stuck to the original premise of the first film, then I bet Blues Brothers 2000 would not be remembered as it is today.
When I originally went to see this in theaters back on February 6th, 1998, I couldn't believe what I had just seen. It really was a disappointment. It ranked #4 on opening weekend and only grossed $14,051,384 domestically without a worldwide release. Even its predecessor had a domestic gross of $57,229,890 and that was back in 1980!
The only decent thing that came out of this film was the phenomenal soundtrack. They really knocked it out of the park when it came to the music in this movie, so much so that I purchased the CD back in 1998.
Overall, I've only seen it twice in my entire lifetime. I did purchase the Blu-ray copy in the $5.00 bin at my local Walmart. That should tell you how bad the film really is.