Born before 1988

I have this theory, with some evidence to back it up, that anyone who was born before 1988 (currently older than 28 years old) love this movie. Anyone younger than 28 currently hates it. All my younger siblings hate, all my older ones love it. All of my co-workers upwards of 28 love it, all the youngsters, to use the parlance of our times, "are hatin' on it".

Over the weekend I watched it with a girl I am dating who is 26 and her best friend, 28.

Neither had ever seen it before and neither knew much about it other than they thought it was "a movie about bowling"

26 said it was the dumbest thing she had ever seen and "did not get it". 28 laughed almost constantly and said she loved it.

Obviously, this is just like, their own opinion, man but I am trying to figure out why there is this line in that sand that people do not cross.


Born before 88 and just saw it today, it's ok but not the masterpiece a lot of people make it out to be.


I'm presently 62, 60 when you posted this and outside of the bowling alley scenes I consider this film a waste of celluloid and time.
