th greatest comedies ever?

this is in my opinion the greatest comedy ever made. it is perfect. Pure entertainment. Chris Farley is great.


Not the greatest ever. But awesome. Damn, I still miss Chris Farley. I am watching it right now. And I watched it yesterday too.

Mr. Washington, everything you do IRRITATES me.

That guy is such a funny prick.


Holy crap that was weird, I read that Mr. Washington aloud EXACTLY as the guy said it on T.V.


In my opinion, the original poster might want to see more comedies. I wouldn't say this was the best in any category (in fact I hated it the first time I saw it), but as a Chris Farley fan I grew into it and seemed to like it even more after time. Makes me miss that guy.


This is definately my favorite comedy of all time. The only others that come close are Back To The Future and Dumb and Dumber.

"Wise man say, forgiveness is divine but never pay full price for late pizza."


ive seen a lot of comedies. I love this movie. this is a comedy that may have stupid humour in it, but that stupid humour exceeds the stupid humour of other movies...whatever. this movie *bleep* rocks.

"damn straight"


I have this movie in the top part of my greatest comedy movies of all times list.
