MovieChat Forums > Beverly Hills Ninja (1997) Discussion > Podcast: Tom Farley, co-author, THE CHRI...

Podcast: Tom Farley, co-author, THE CHRIS FARLEY SHOW - Interview

Losing a family member at the tender age of 33 is incredibly tough. It’s even more complicated when that young person lived his existence in a bigger-than-life way, like Chris Farley – and his trials and tribulations are witnessed by millions.

In his new book, The Chris Farley Show, Chris’s older brother, Tom Farley, Jr. – with help from co-author Tanner Colby - pieces together his late brother’s life in the form of an oral history with interviews from most everyone who encountered Chris. This includes family and friends from his youth, on through the “Saturday Night Live” family, and people from his hit movies, including Tommy Boy, Black Sheep, and Beverly Hills Ninja.

The book is an easy, breezy read, and was excerpted last month in Playboy.

You can LISTEN to this Mr. Media/ interview with Chris Farley's brother, Tom -- who is director of The Chris Farley Foundation -- by clicking here:
