Favorite quotes?

I was just wondering if anyone would like to share their favorite quotes from this film if you have any. Mine has to be the entire scene between Haru and Chet Walters. Cracks me up every time!


Favorite quote huh? Oh where to begin...

Where did you learn to drive? Cooking school?

Well, it looks like we are one degree celcius off on that magenta color. I'm gonna have to quantify the 7F reading on this and that would run it through with the surface gravity viscocity. I could plug it into the Marcel formuala, and that would give me a more accurate mix design. To me, they're just a little bit off. What I can do on that is run a pap smear test, and uh, tone it done a little bit.

Did you hear about the lady that backed into the fan? It made a disaster. It dis-assed her.

Your lies bounce off me like ping pong balls.

- 73 minuets to deliver 2 suitcases and 1 garment bag. Do you have an explanation Mr. Washington?
- Yes sir. I seem to be coming down with a mild case of carpal tunnel syndrome in my wrists. I think its from carrying real heavy garment bags around. Now, I don't want to go on disability, and sue this company for millions of dollars, so I figured I would just pace myself.

You see here, in the 16th century there came to pass a....oh, this is the wrong writ. This is about the sensei and the 18 year old twin geishas. Also a good legend, but not the one we're looking for.

Tempo? Kai? I think they worked as a team.

Are you communicating with me?

- Just a precaution, Mr. Walters. You don't mind do you?
- Mind? Hell no, I don't mind, if it makes you feel more comfortable. I just want to know one thing. How are you gonna drive with that on?

- There is a problem you are facing?
- Not really. Its just that I've been accused of another murder or two.

- I need your help in finding Sally Jones. I have considered many techniques. I could find the names of all the BMW sales in the last five years, checking on all the Joneses, then visiting them all, or...
- You could try a phone book.

- Perhaps I shall send Dom Perignon to your room.
- I prefer to be alone tonight. Perhaps later I will meet your friend Don.

The ninja way is to visualize the straightness of the rope. It will begin to untie itself. Or a knife is good.

- You're the Big Fat Ninja everyone is talking about aren't you?
- Great White Ninja.

- The blackness of my belt is like the inside of a coffin on a moonless night.
- Thats pretty black, man.
- It is a black art. And I, Haru, am the blackest of the black. Or rather the Great White blackest arts black master.

And lesson 34, the final technique for ripping a man's head off is by simply using your bare hands. This is difficult to master, and takes years, sometimes decades to achieve. I suggest that you practice on chickens.

Keep practicing Joey, and one day you will choke that chicken.

- I think I would like to rent one of your lodgings. Is the cost great?
- Compared to what? A hut in a rice paddy? Sir, we are a five star hotel, with six hundred rooms booked months in advance.
- I have money.
- I'm sure you do. Unforunately, we don't take wampum.
- Do you perhaps take gold?

A spy is like a gnat, compared to a ninja.

It sounds to me you are being led around by your short sword.

My mission is clear. I must go to the hills of Beverly, find Sally Jones and save her, and prove once and for all that I am the Great White Ninja.

- I am sure you would like to know who I am and what I do, but as part of my creed I cannot tell you. You see, my identity must remain mysterious and my mission secret. I cannot reveal it to you.
- Why not?
- Because I would then have to kill you.
- Daddy! He said he was going to kill me.

- Thanks @sshole!
- You are welcome!

I shall do as you say. I shall protect the village. I shall guard the dojo. And I shall water the plants.

"Wise man say, forgiveness is divine but never pay full price for late pizza."


Oh I love all of them! But here are the one that make me laugh the most!

Haru, you truly are the great white ninja! Oh, did I say ninja, I meant niny. Haru you are such a niny!

Only when I seise to breath will I be !

And lesson 34, the final technique for ripping a man's head off is by simply using your bare hands. This is difficult to master, and takes years, sometimes decades to achieve. I suggest that you practice on chickens.

Keep practicing Joey, and one day you will choke that chicken.

Tempo? Kai? I think they worked as a team.

Well, it looks like we are one degree celcius off on that magenta color. I'm gonna have to quantify the 7F reading on this and that would run it through with the surface gravity viscocity. I could plug it into the Marcel formuala, and that would give me a more accurate mix design. To me, they're just a little bit off. What I can do on that is run a pap smear test, and uh, tone it done a little bit.

Hey, nice coat, who shot the couch!?

Thanks @sshole!
You are welcome!

Who keeps steeling my shoes!?!?

Where did you learn to drive? Cooking school?

Perhaps I shall send Dom Perignon to your room.
I prefer to be alone tonight. Perhaps later I will meet your friend Don.

There is a problem you are facing?
Not really. Its just that I've been accused of another or two.

I love my little brother. His determination is like a tiger, swift as a...
He's fat. He's a fool. He's an embarassment to all ninjas everywhere.

Oh I see you got the R2347ST Printing press. This thing came out the same time I was printing leaflets for the Shave the Whales Foundation.
You mean Save the Whales.
Oh is that what you did with them, maybe it was starve the whales, starve the whales.

You may subject me to any you can think of, but a ninja does not talk!
Ninja? You're a ninja? You're the big fat ninja everyone's talking about, aren't you?
Great White Ninja.

The blackness of my belt is like the inside of a coffin on a moonless night.
That's pretty black, Man.
It is a black art, and I, Haru, am the blackest of the black. Or rather the great white black art... Blackest... Master.

I am one with the universe. I am one with the universe.
[Sees a ]

I may not be a great ninja; I may not be one with the universe; but I will say this: NO ONE MESSES WITH MY BROTHER!!

Do not worry. A ninja knows when he is in danger.
[Tanley and his men fire machine guns at them]
Now we are in danger. We are really in danger.

~Only when I seise to breath will I be !~ Chris Farley



"ONly when i seise to breathe, will I be dead...Tanley!"

who'd a thought ^


Your lies bounce off me like ping pong balls.

Treat each day as if it were the last day of your life. Please be a child sponser for World Vision.



"Head for the mainland!"... "Ahh these seacreatures!"

"My eyes will be like the tenticles of a squid"

"That rack was not made by ninjas..."
