MovieChat Forums > Beverly Hills Ninja (1997) Discussion > What do the Japanese think of this?

What do the Japanese think of this?

Anyone here?
I'm always interested to know. I didn't really notice any degrading cinematic language towards the Japanese, such as non-joking stereotypes or insulting depictions on screen, etc. But the movie is so ridiculous that anything's possible. Personally I imagine the reaction to be "what the *beep* followed by laughter based on how absurd it is. After all the jokes all make fun of a fat, crazy white guy, which is probably how people see Americans anyway.


I'm half Japanese (currently living in Japan) and the movie was not degrading at all. For Christ's sake the Japanese actors actually spoke Japanese! That alone makes this movie represent the Japanese a lot better than other movies with Japanese in them.
There was really nothing degrading or insulting towards the Japanese. The whole secret Ninja village thing was totally over-the-top, but so is this whole movie so there was no problem with that.

The movie is fine. I loved it.


Well, the Japanese I have watched it with immediately notice that Robin Shou is not Japanese, but that is typical for Hollywood to pull the old switcharoo on us when it comes to Asian actors' ethnicities. Besides that, the movie is most degrading to whites if anything I suppose. All the Japanese characters are either dignified (as opposed to Farley) or are bad asses. Chris Farley who is white is the only real buffoon, and Nathaniel Parker who is British is the only real villain. I love this movie though and don't see how anyone could have a problem with it, it is a very good natured movie! As for how Japanese receive it, I showed it to one Japanese woman and she laughed a lot throughout it, and I talked to one Japanese man about it who worked at a restaurant similar to the one in the film. He laughed when I mentioned it, and said that yes he had seen it, so my best guess is he enjoyed it as well. Like you though, I would be very interested to hear from some Japanese on their opinions of it.


This movie probably has one of the best and fair representations of Asians (particularly males) as both heroes (or super-sidekick) and villian, I dont see how anyone, Japanese or not could get offended.
Fat White ppl, now thay may get really offended actually lol...
