MovieChat Forums > Beverly Hills Ninja (1997) Discussion > Penis envy from the Greek statue?

Penis envy from the Greek statue?

In the scene where Farley first arrives in Beverly Hills, and as his car is stopped in traffic he looks to his left and sees that Greek statue with a tiny penis, then Farley makes a strange gesture and drives off. I never got that joke, were they supposed to be saying that Farley felt some penis envy seeing the penis on that statue, even though it was so tiny, or am I way off?


Good question.

I'm watching it now and I've seen it dozens of times and never really thought much of it.

~ Newest member of The Dr Gordon Army ~

I will never believe that Gordon is dead


so anyone have an explanation for this scene?


he sees the very muscular statue and sucks in his gut, as he wants to be buff like the statue to be accepted by the Beverly Hills community


I don't know, it seemed more like a penis envy joke. The joke being that greek statues have such tiny penises, yet he still felt small comparatively.


i think it was the buff physique
