MovieChat Forums > Fa yeung nin wah (2001) Discussion > The best movie of the last ten years.

The best movie of the last ten years.

I made a list of the ten best films of the last decade and I felt like In the Mood for Love easily takes the top spot. Such a great movie! The rest of my list can be found here:


Many great film appeared in the '00s, but this is one of my favorites. I've seen in half a dozen times, and it never ceases to move me deeply.

"Sometimes you have to take the bull by the tail, and face the truth" - G. Marx



Make it 110 years!

This film is at the ultimate point that art of filmmaking can reach. Only competition is Mike Leigh's "Naked" and Orson Welles' "Citizen Kane".


I would have to add "Last Life In The Universe" (2003). Definetly a masterpiece.


Good list. I don't agree with everything on there (Brokeback, New World) but if everyone had the same opinion the world would be a very boring place. Mulholland Drive and There Will Be Blood are on my top ten as well. I also feel people spend too much time over-analyzing details in MD and that its appeal lies in its power to transport us into a nightmare.
In the Mood... isn't my favorite film from WKW and it wouldn't make by top ten list, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was the film that most frequently appeared on critics lists. Masterfully directed in every way.


Great list. I've not seen The White Ribbon, Gosford Park or Silent Light so they'll have to go on my ever-expanding to see list.

Mulholland Dr, In The Mood For Love and Brokeback Mountain are my all-time top three films. The scene at Club Silencio and the final sequence in Cambodia are perhaps two of the most affecting moments in all of film for me. I still feel breathless watching them after all these years.

The only film I've found (outside the 2000's) which deals so exclusively with loneliness and longing is Taxi Driver (which is No. 4). Any other suggestions would be mucho appreciated.

1. Mulholland Dr.
2. In The Mood For Love
3. Brokeback Mountain
4. Before Sunset
5. Lost in Translation
6. Memento
7. City of God
8. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
9. No Country for Old Men
10. Secretary


hey rally, I think it's really funny/coincidental that you put The Secretary on your top ten list becuase just recently I was chatting online with a local movie group and we were talking about MAggie Gylanhall and I said that The Secretary might be on my top ten list of movies, depending on the day you ask me, but gee it surely makes my "top ten for the decade 2000 - 1020" list.

I'm not a fan of Memento and MD and ESOFSPM and I suspect you are a lot younger than I am bcuase those tend to be on younger people's list. But I was pleased to see Brokebakc Mountain no it and surprised to see BEfore SUnset which is a charming little film.

Envey me! I'm just starting In the MOod for Love and have to confess I've not heard of it before, I just picked it up at the library, but I loved the first 15 minutes of it on dvd and I came to IMDB to see an overview of the film. LIttle did I know it's so highly regarded. I LOVE Chinese films.


The lives of others
Pans labyrith
In bruges
No country for old men
There will be blood
in the mood for love
the diving bell and the butterfly
Old boy
Station Agent


I agree - for me The Lives of Others is the best film of the last ten years.
I've just watched In the Mood for Love for the first time and it's certainly the best I've seen this year and one of the best since the Lives of Others.


Mmm... if you like these movies, have you seen Waitress?


I very much liked this film. In fact, its strings recurring theme is still stuck in my head and pops up from time to time! I find that, even though it's a translation, the title 'In the mood for love' is tied quite strongly to the film and in helping me understand it, even. I thought that this would be a movie I would have to really focus my attention on to enjoy it but in fact it was the opposite. I willingly gave it my attention because I was enjoying it - although it has an indeterminable structure at first, I love how it played on my other senses of sight and sound with the same pieces of music throughout, instead of plenty of dialogue. It was clearer cut but still so very dreamlike and relied on my own feelings to determine what I was interpreting from what I saw/heard. Truly, it's a beautiful film because of this, not because it is 'internationally acclaimed' or one of those films you 'must see before you die', because in showing the souls of these characters in their most quiet, and intimate moments it reflects my soul in the same way.
We are hardly ever seen in these silent moments - it's always back and forth conversation, exchanging passing pleasantries as the sociable creatures we are, but what's so difficult to determine within our own identities is who we are as a person. Wong's filming through mirrors, around the side of walls or doors, beautifully crafts how we piece together our voyeurism of these people within their own solitude. You definitely need to be 'In the Mood for Love' to let this film wash over you.

And I'm sounding pretentious to my own ears, so if I've given anyone that impression, I apologise.


I think this film is going to slowly creep into the list of the few perfect films ever made. It only needs time.


Loved your list, here are my top 15 (2000-2010) in no order:

-Requiem for a Dream
(I think the above two are the best)
-The Fountain
-Millennium Actress
-Enter the Void
-In the mood for Love
-Spirited Away
-Battle Royale
-El Laberinto del Fauno
-The Matrix
-Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring

I Sympathize with Lars Von Trier.


I adored Battle Royale, it's one of my personal favourites
and so here is my top 10 or so of 2000-2010 but they aren't in order:
-Let the Right one in
-In the Mood for Love
-Battle Royale
-Spirited Away
-Pan's Labyrinth
-Kill Bill volume 1
-Gran Torino
-Million Dollar Baby
-Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

But in the Mood for Love has definitely got to be one of the best ones, it really was breath taking and a vast majority of the film was just flawless.
