Blu Ray ????

anybody know why (Days Of Being Wild) is on blu ray and this is not ????



It's baffling that this film hasn't gotten a Blu-ray release yet. I can understand why Criterion would take forever to do so since they're usually too busy buying the rights then meticulously & lovingly remastering ultra obscure titles which are of interest to 20 people or so. Why hasn't France, UK or Hong Kong - which was the first to release Days of Being Wild and As Tears Go By on Blu-ray - even hinted at it?

Don't my mind rant against Criterion. I respect what they do yet I'm quite aggravated at the fact that 99% of their Asian releases are Japanese films only.


At this point its only film he directed that isn't on blu ray which is ridicules since its his best.


Really? I haven't been able to find "2046" in a U.S. Bluray release, either. And I'm actually waiting for a better Bluray version of "Days of Being Wild," as I heard there are a lot of issues with the subtitles...

"Death, you are my bitch lover!"


You are absolutely right, 2046 isn't on blu ray yet ether. I watched it on hdtv and jumped to conclusion that it was released on blu ray. My bad.


It's a crime! I'm craving these two on Bluray - come on, Criterion Collection!!

"Death, you are my bitch lover!"


Me too, especially In The Mood For Love since i saw it only once and it instantly became my fav of his.
