Belle is a gold digger

The prince´s only quality is his money, thats enough to Belle marry him, Other than that, the guy is a_sshole


Actually she's a cheapskate

Why the hell is she always giving someone homemade books? She's a RICH princess now and her father is still wearing rags while she hands out make shift gifts.

"Because I knew you, I have been changed...for good."
" You flip flopping ass piece of bitch"



A) She and Beast aren't married yet. This takes place between "Something There" and "Beauty and the Beast".

B) It's the thought that counts. Sometimes handmade gifts are more touching than paid for gifts (like the prince's Christmas present to Belle at the end).


Well if we wanna take a serious spin on it.

The movie ENDS, after the first one begins.

And in the first one, her father is STILL dressed in rags that aren't good for his health.

He didn't make the rose either, he snatched it from his palace grounds. So......yeah.

"Because I knew you, I have been changed...for good."
" You flip flopping ass piece of bitch"



She likes 'em larger and furrier than Gaston can ever hope to be, no matter how many eggs he eats. ;P
