Name One Way You'd Change This Film
I'm Back!!!
shareOh wow. You're back....
shareNot doing it... at all.
shareMore of Batgirl.
Let Alfred die.
Not much to change to a masterpiece, right?
Oh honey, it'd take more than one thing to fix THIS film!
Or maybe they were thinking that they had a bulletproof franchise, and people would pay money to see it no matter how bad it was?
Actually, this is one case where I'd rather not know what the filmmakers were thinking.
I've always vaguely wanted to write a roman a clef murder mystery about the making of a well-known awful film.
I'd thought of going with "Fifty Shades of Gray", where the leads were reported to hate each other and everyone hated the author and they all knew it was crap... but this one might do as well. Plenty of big personalities to play with, undoubtedly horrible studio interference, and everyone had to know it was crap.
You would be great at satire, Otter! I can tell.
Don't forget to include a scene of people watching the movie on their laptops with the sound turned all the way up (no headphones) while sipping on some coffee at McDonalds with everyone, including children, buzzing around. I heard this actually happened. (O_o)
Have fewer characters for starters. We had to try to get to know everyone, their mom, and even their pet animals too, haha! (^_^)
Not funny twinA, NOT funny!
share"Go to Heaven!" - The Penguin from Batman Returns. Wait - wrong movie thread. (^ ^)
Would you stop with that tasteless humour? Can't you see no one's laughing here?
This is a serious matter, can't you see?
Oh, so I'm on thin ice now? Is it cold in here or is it just me? Chill. (^_~)
Are you mocking Mr. Freeze? And in front of all my friends on top of that?
Wow, I would've never thought you capable of such wickedness.
What can I say as a "polar"izing figure? I'm as happy as "Snow" White!
Ice, ice baby. Yeah! (^o^)
If this keeps up, there might be another rap battle, a bat rap battle...
Ice ice baby! Yeah!!!
twinA, bring me twinB
Imma tell him what a big meanie you can be
See? Im not alone to cry, so is Arny!
If I could bleed for each cold joke you make that would be the end of me
I have a lot of friends, but I'd never thought you'd turn to be my enemy!
Sweet! I'm gonna' try.
twinB is his own side, like Poison Ivy
Oh well, the hockey team from Hell, knows to skate pass by me
Time for the main event, my Canadian Frenchman
Neon lights, drive at night, Batgirl learns to play bridge!
Batman and Robin argue, not that it can stop you.
Wayne the pain, unlike Mr. Freeze's bank, has infinite credit in lieu!
-Twin A
Till we cross paths again.
haha! Nice. Props.