This film deserves an higher score
Am i the only one who found some enjoyment in this film ? I got entertained by this movie. In fact i've watched multiple times. 3.7 is too low a score for this film.
I would have liked for Joel Schumacher to direct another Batman movie. I would have liked to see the rumored Batman Triumphan movie they wanted to make. It would have seen Batgirl,Batman and Robin all return. I think Batgirl was supossed to die at the beginning. Would have liked to see more of Batgirl.
Yes the film was not serious and was made to sell toys. Can you blame them ? Batman is just a comic. It's funny to me when fans loose their mind over the fact that Batman uses a Bat Credit Card. It's only a movie not real life.
The soundtrack was good too. Not as good as the soundtrack for Batman Forever but still good. The Smashing Pumpkin and the song by R.Kelly Gotham City.