Most underrated Batman movie
Not counting movie serials like they had in the 30’s or direct to video releases, there have been 10 Batman films released in theaters in the past 50 years. More than any other super hero. It’s easy to guess why, Batman is by far the best and coolest superhero. Also probably because Batman movies require less special effects, than things like Spiderman or Ironman. The point is with all these films some get kind of forgotten or lost in the shuffle. While films like the Dark Knight or the 1989 Batman are considered to be some of the best superhero’s movies ever made, they are not the only good Batman films. So of all the different Batman films, which one do you think does not get enough love. While I love a lot of different Batman movies, Batman Returns, Mask of the Phantasm, BvS, Dark Knight Rises, the one film I don’t think gets enough respect is Batman Forever.
A lot of people lump this film together with Batman and Robin, but that’s not fair. Now Joel Schumacher originally wanted Batman Forever to be much darker. Unfortunately Warner Bros took so much heat over Batman Returns that they made Joel cut a lot of stuff out of Batman Forever, anything that wasn’t totally kid friendly. Anyone who owns the DVD knows they cut a lot of good stuff out Forever, a lot dark stuff. Joel if you’re reading this, we need a Director’s Cut. The point is, since Warner Bros cut out all the dark stuff with Forever, its no wonder Joel went so over the top making Batman and Robin so colorful and cutesy.
Still though, there is lot of good stuff in this film. Val, while not being the best Batman, still did a pretty good job. He had an icy ness to his character that I think fit Batman real well. There were a couple scenes where he looked real bad ass. And like the Keaton Batman he didn’t talk much. When he had the costume on, he said very little and never spoke above a whisper. That’s one thing that bugged me about the Bale Batman, while I wasn’t crazy about the voice, what really bugged me was how much his Batman talked. Way to much.
Nicole Kidman was pretty good too. Nothing great but a good girlfriend for Bruce. Plus you got to see up her skirt when the Riddler dropped her from that cage thing. That was nice. Also you got to love Drew Barrymore and Debi Mazar, as Two Face’s girlfriends.
And while I was never a big Robin fan, this film did it the right way. They gave it the time it needed. With Batman and Robin they just shoehorned in Batgirl. Which was a shame because Batgirl can be an interesting character. And even though I really like the Dark Knight Rises, the whole thing with Joseph Gordon Levitt being Robin, felt a little tacked on. This worked thought. They took their time, showed his progression. Him losing his parents. Finding out about Bruce being Batman. Bruce not wanting a partner. Trying his hand at being a superhero. Remember when he saved Bruce after he got buried, where he wore his acrobat costume. I thought that was kind of clever because at this point he didn’t even have a real costume.
At the end when him and Batman finally teamed up, that felt earned.
I also really got a kick out Tommy Lee Jones as Two Face, I know a lot of people didn’t like it, but I did. It looked like Tommy was having a blast. He brought a lot of energy to the role. A sort of manic intensity. It was over the top, with the multi colored outfits, the tommy gun carrying ski mask wearing goons and the big ass guns, but it was fun. He even referred to himself as we. They really pushed the whole multiple personality thing. And he had some great lines. I love that part where he tries to blow up Batman in that fire pit. Val runs out of that fire pit with that bad ass look on his face. And Tommy screams “WHY WON”T U JUST DIE!”
I love that part. And he had a cool death scene. That’s another thing I liked about Val, like Keaton, his Batman was willing to kill when the situation needed it.
Also of all the Burton/Schumacher this is the only one which really explored why Batman would be Batman. When Nicole Kidman refers to being Batman as a curse, you see Val/Batman really start to question why he’s doing this. This is explored much more in the deleted scenes, but still I think it does make this film stand out from the other 3 Burton/Schumacher films. I love that scene where he tells Robin about seeking vengeance. This Batman is interesting because he is one of the few (maybe only) version of the character that actually did murder the man who killed his parents. His gives that speech to Robin, about how he went out for vengeance for his parents’ death and then one day he realized that his whole life had become nothing but vengeance. Val killed it in that scene. Really sold the character. It’s a shame he never played him again but frankly even he couldn’t have saved Batman and Robin.
The only thing I don’t like about this film is Jim Carrey as the Riddler. I loved the Riddler from Batman the Animated Series. I would love to see him in a more serious capacity like in a Nolan movie or maybe in one of the future Ben Affleck films. Sadly we got this, just another over the top Jim Carrey performance. I was never a fan of his, from the Mask to Ace Ventura to all that other crap he pumped out in the 90’s. Plus his whole idea of using TV to read peoples mind, was ….odd. But I do like that scene where he blew up the Bat Cave. That was cool.
Ohh and Elliot Goldenthal’s score was great, really fit the movies. And Seal’s Kiss From a Rose, sure it was never in the movie but that is still a damn catchy song.
Now yes this movie was made more for kids but what’s wrong with that. Granted stuff like Batman and Robin talk down to kids but this film didn’t. All and all it was fun Batman movie for a younger audience.
What about you?
What Batman films do you feel, doesn’t get enough love?
And to keep the list varied, you can pick from the theatrical films or the direct to video films.
Just try to be specific as to why.
i told you not to stop the boat. Now lets go. Apocaylpse Now