As someone who is attracted to the male gender...
I had so problems what so ever with seeing those shots of Batman/George Clooney's ass and groin. I remember spending a majority of my time trying to get a better look at his 'assets' if wasn't for that damn cape. Fan boys get the go ahead to drool over the bodies of female superheroes/villains all the damn time, *beep* that's why they're even in the movies to begin with, to provide 'eye candy' or 'fan service' for the boys. What about those of us who are attracted to men though? Why shouldn't get a bone thrown to us once in a while? Or does it all just revolve around what the fan boys want? Not everyone on planet earth is attracted to females, there's a small minority of us that actually appreciate and are attracted to the male body. Those of you who whined and complained about having to see a close up of George Clooney's fine ass in the bat-suit are just whining because of how insecure and uncomfortable with your sexuality----and why should those of us that like seeing a hot guys 'assets' have to suffer just because you guys turn into crying little babies about it? Women have the balls to sit through a movie where another woman's body parts are on display, so what does that say about you?
End rant. I make ZERO apologies for this post.