Did anyone on this go see this in theaters?
If so, please tell about that traumatic day...
sharei went with my brother and mom in like 7th grade i think and it was awesome. Uma Thurman was really really hot and i was just discovering how to bop my boloney properly and they didn't mess around in the beginning with a long drawn out Undertaker Wrestlemania enterance and got straight into Batman and Robin fighting Mr. Freeze who was complete with Arnold one liners.
It was most excellent and i fear the last good batman film mankind will ever see
I went on the Tuesday or Wednesday after it's release with my mom, sister, and her bestie. We were either a week before or after my first trip to Myrtle Beach and I had a serious case of Batman fever that summer, I turned 4 2 months before that.
From what I remember I loved it. I don't remember much visually from the movie besides 5 things: The intro/chase, Pamela getting killed and coming back, that stupid auction scene with the credit card, Alfred getting sick, and the climax.
I remember it being ironically freezing in the theater because it was in the mid 90's outside. There was about 15 people there since it was 11 or 1 when we went. Me and my mom enjoyed it but I don't think my sister did but didn't want to be there. But I remember from the climax on I was hooked.
After it was done we left and had Sonic for lunch and I went and colored some B&R coloring books. Good times indeed..
Didn't see it in the movies but seen it the moment it was offered on Pay Per View. I was 8 and honestly, Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy really was the start of wet dreams for a kid. Not gonna lie. As cheesy and messed up this movie is, I like this WAY BETTER then Batman Begins in 2005 which I actually fell asleep on.
My job is to inform, not persuade- Dan Rather
Yes. I saw it at a preview a few days before its national release.
I don't think anyone truly acknowledge to themselves how bad it was until sometime after they'd seen it (maybe we were all in denial), but I do recall everyone leaving the movie theatre completely silent, as if they were shell-shocked.
It was also the first Batman film I was old enough to see at the cinema. I've seen every subsequent Batman and Superman film, including TDK trilogy, at the cinema, and will hopefully see BvS on the big-screen too.
Hi HarveyManfredSinJohn like you i have seen ever Batman except for the 89 one i might have seen that but i don't think so i was four at that time so i would say Batman Returns is the first Batman Film i Seen on Screen now back to the topic lol when i went to go see Batman and Robin in the theater i went with my friend and his cousin there was 4 other people besides us it was in the afternoon. We all loved it when i hit my teen years i hated Batman and Robin i don't hate it as much as i did before i had my own nip picking about it i didn't like the Batmobile i didn't like how robin had a differen't suit nightwing and a few more thing's but as i got more older i stop hating it and seeing how people list it as the worst movie and worst superhero movie i have to disagree with that cause there are far worst then Batman and Robin :). I feel with a few edits tons of deleted scenes and using different takes of scenes Batman and Robin could turn out as a good film.Am going to be contacting Wb about doing a Batman and Robin cut along with Batman Forever now if anybody has seen my post they know i love Batman Forever its my 3rd Favorite Batman Film but with all the deleted footage there is along with few other things it can turn out to be an even more great film same with the 89 film there are tons of deleted footage to put back in the film sorry i got off topic again lol.
shareI was in high school when me and friends wasted a Friday night on it. The previews and marketing were great, but the acting and dialogue was so cheesy. The soundtrack was better than the film.
shareI was 7. I vaguely remember seeing it at the theater. I think I had a Mr. Freeze shirt at the time. I don't hate it.
I saw this, but I probably won't see BvS...I'm not making the same mistake twice...
Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?
Batman vs. Superman was garbage in my opinion. Definitely would watch this campy 1990's movie over 2 hours of boredom any day of the week.
My job is to inform, not persuade- Dan Rather
I was 17 Years old and all the kids in school were excited to see Batman. I mean ARNOLD AS MR FREEZE!!!!!!!!!
When you are a kid and put this in a historical context, almost everybody seem to like it….
I am always been drawn to flamboyant, over the top things… Loved the sets, costumes, color palettes; say what you want, they are super professionally made. I adored Alicia cause of Clueless and I had a huge crush on Robin….
Now as a grown up, I can see and accept what's wrong with it, but i never obsessed too much over the Bat Nipples. Which just seems like an easy target to nitpick.
It seems to me now, it gets more hate than 15 years ago.
I saw it on the Friday night it opened in a SOLD OUT theater in Brandon, FL with my soon to be wife, cousins & their boyfriends/girlfriends.
I remember there were costumed characters walking around too...including a very studio looking Batman, Joker, Catwoman & Poison Ivy (no Freeze though..lol).
I was a big Batman fan (new Batman movie, take my money!!!), 22 years old, didn't read ANY reviews, the surround sound in the theater was DEAFENING, but I LOVED every action bit of it. I remember ALL of us walking out of it LIKING it! Go figure!
it wasn't til a few days I realized the reviews were so horrid and it single handedly killed the franchise at that point.
Im gonna punch you in the cooter, I swear to God!
I saw it during the day and I remember feeling claustrophobic during it, which is rare. It was just too much and wouldn't stop. It was incredibly overwhelming and none of the emotions in it felt real.
My friend said she was offended that Poison Ivy, who was about nature, the Earth and environment, was depicted as a crazed female. She didn't like that those ideas about nature and women were portrayed as negative. Other friends told her it was "just a movie" but she was pretty adamant about it.
I later told someone that Robin says "Cowabunga!" in it and they groaned.
I saw it in theater when I was 9, and even at that age I was disappointed. My biggest disappointment was that none of the villains died. At that age I loved it when the villains fell to their deaths, which happened to three (technically four) of the villains in the previous Batman films. Now I consider that type of death really cliche, but as a kid I loved it. I wrote stories at that age, and the villains in my stories always died that way, haha. Any form of death would have satisfied me though, but in B&R we got nothing. I didn't fully acknowledge how cheesy it was at that age, but I was already a big fan of the Batman movies (I saw Forever in the theater when I was 7 and the Burton films on VHS when I was 4 or 5) and I didn't enjoy this one as much.