Ivy's Seduction

What was your favorite Ivy seduction scene and why?


My favorite of her seduction scenes is when she acts like she is going to become intimate with Batman. She uses such great body language in the scene and it's her best costume. Plus, her camel toe is quite noticeable in this scene which is pretty sexy!


I like them all. Hard to pick a favorite.

Probably the first one with Jason.

I also like the one when Ivy puts her arms around Robin's neck.

Also when she flirts with Gordon.

Also the one when Bruce and Julie are having dinner. Poison Ivy shows up to tempt him. Or was that just in his imagination? It's been so long since I've seen the movie I can't remember.

If it counts as a seduction scene my favorite might actually be at the fund raiser when she takes off the gorilla costume, stands with her back to the camera, crosses her legs, looks over her shoulder and winks. 


Ivy's appearance at Wayne Manor is just Bruce's imagination. I do like that scene though, especially how the fire appears in the background of the closeup shot of Ivy after she kisses Bruce to symbolize her demon-like persona.


The party scene is totally a seduction scene. Whenever she's with Robin, I melt cause I can easily see myself as him.
