SPOILERS: Fingerprints, anyone???
First off, this is one of the best movies I have seen in a while and I should also mention I watch a lot of movies.
Anyway, I read on a post which said that no person smokes the same way as another, that is true. But then again since I was a smoker for a while I know if I see a spider while smoking a cigarette, like the one Carlos saw in the beginning of the movie and like the one Carlos/Annibal saw in the end of the movie, I would try to kill it, quite possibly with my cigarette. The end is for everyone to interpret in their own way, some may believe it was Carlos, some believe it was Annibal. That doesn't really matter to me, what I love about the ending it's that it's up to you to decide what you make of it, coincidence or not? Who knows....
But anyway, FINGERPRINTS ANYONE? C'mon so let's say in the end it is infact Carlos with Annibal's family, but wouldn't have Annibal(theoretically in jail) been processed and have his fingerprints taken? I know if I was Carlos, wrongly accused, I would ask them to take my fingerprints to prove I am indeed Carlos, as far as I'm concerned you can't copy someone else's fingerprints. Hence, if using some common sense and logic, I would hardly doubt that Carlos is the guy in the end with Annibal's family. I think the director just wanted to emphasize how much of Carlos, Annibal had become. But then again, that is just my opnion.
What do you think?