
Anyone else find it funny that although everyone in the movie had accents, neither of the stars - Anastasia or Dmitri - did?



With a prompter in every window whispering comebacks shy people would have the last laugh


Yes. Unfortunately, we see that often in movies. For example, when there's a movie about Greek gods or Spartans, they use people with ENGLISH accents. Or another example is "Prince of PERSIA" that stars Jake Gyllenhaal of all people with a fake English accent.


English accents are the go-to for movies set in other cultures because they sound foreign to American ears but still accessabe.
There are lots of accent errors in this movie, but I find myself not minding because the cast is great. I mean, Maria Feodronova (the grandmother) was Danish, not Russian, so would likely not have spoken with that lovely, subtle Russian lilt that Angela Lansbury affected. And Anastasia herself? French was the language of the Imperial court, she and her family spoke that and English more than they spoke Russian. So really, Meg Ryan's generalized American non-accent isn't particularly bothersome (though if you want to get argumentative, Anastasia probably spoke British-inflected English, being a European and all).

~*I'd tell your fortune but the words don't rhyme*~
