MovieChat Forums > Anastasia (1997) Discussion > Dear Historical Poops Who Can't Enjoy Th...

Dear Historical Poops Who Can't Enjoy This Movie...

This film is not, I repeat, not a documentary. It is meant to be a lighthearted children's film. Children do not watch movies to learn a history lesson. If you watched this movie to learn a history lesson, Just wow.

Let the fans of this movie enjoy it for it's charm and stop being so uptight. Thank you and have a nice day.

If I'm too complicated, leave now. Cause I could easily be without you.


Also... Watching this film is a good lure to start learning about russian history.

«I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it - Jack Handey» :/


True. I was 8 years old when this came out and I thought it was true because my parents told me that she was a real person, but they also quickly informed me that the story itself was fabricated. I can't deny I was disappointed, but I'm glad they told me the truth. In 10th grade when I 15 or so I think I ruined a lot of childhoods when the topic of Anastasia came up in class and I told a girl that the story wasn't real and my teacher backed me up. She was heartbroken.

But because of this movie I have been fascinated with the Romanov family and the Russian Revolution. I have read several books about the uprising and who the Czar and his family were. I agree that this movie should be praised for opening the eyes of kids to history and learning about other cultures.


I agree. Even as a young child when it was fresh I knew it wasn't true. But it's a movie! Enjoy it haha It ridiculous to argue about the past obviously in a children's animated movie they're going to make certain characters look more good or bad than they really were. We know real life isn't as black and white.

Untouchable Darkness



I'm a history major and I have loved history all my life...

But it's a KIDS MOVIE. And it's magical and wonderful, even if it is very inaccurate.

The only thing that really bothers me is that it sort of glorifies the Russian Empire when it was falling apart and citizens hated the Tsar.

But that can be overlooked. Easily. Because it's a kid's film.

If it were for adults, it would be different. But it's not.



Agreed. This goes for Pocahontas too, which historical snobs are even more annoying about.

I guess some people just can't separate 'legend' from 'historical facts' because those two movies are clearly based on the former, not the latter.

We're collecting dust, but our love's enough.


I agree! Plus, movies like this and Pocahontas just got me interested in the real stories and wanting to find out what REALLY happened in real life.

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