Everyone says it sux, i think it is pure genious... funny how i don't think i know how to spell that. Anyways, this movie rocked.... ok Julie Delpy is hot and thats why it's good. BUT STILL, it's a cool movie. Just like the movie HACKERS! That movie is the shizzy! Hahahaha. I like the part where we all got to see Julie Delpys boobs, so did my friends. Tom Everett Scott (mispelled) is cool too, he is the man. I saw him in this movie where he played the drummer in "The Wonders" an old surf rock type band. Yeah that movie rocked... my point is THIS MOVIE SUX SO BAD IT ROCKS!!!!! i love bad movies.
i definately agree.. acting was horrible, plot was silly, but yet the movie was fun.. i'm kept entertained so this goes down as one of my favorite fun movies in the horror-comedy genre.. American Werewolf in Paris does Rox my sox!!
yeah definetly guys, when this movie came out i must have been like 11. It's very nostalgic, reminds me of back then hahaha. It pretty musch just rocks, i saw it on amc ay likr 5 in the morning in the summer. I was half asleep and saw it on "Freaky Friday" amc. Well anyways i remered seeing it in 97 when iw as like 11 with my friends but only now did i realize how hot julie delpy was, PLUS the movie was just so genious cuz i love *beep* movies! So, now being 17 i realized the beauty of Julie Delpy and the awesomeness of the movie I went to the mall and bought it on dvd. Yep, one of my favorite movies its up there with The Boondock Saints, Hackers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. R0ck on with m0vies like this!
I have to request the removal of Boondock Saints from that list if you're listing movies so bad that they're good. I own all 4 movies you've named so it's not that I have anything against them. TMNT, Hackers and AWIP are 3 great examples of horrible movies that are fun and entertaining but Boondock Saints is great and intellegent...the only complaint I have is how badly it tries to be Pulp Fiction/Reservivor Dogs at times.
This isn't a good film, but it is a guilty pleasure. I feel as a huge fan of American Werewolf in London that I should hate this movie, but I find myself oddly drawn to it, I was very impressed by Antony Waller's debut 'Mute Witness' and though this lacks the thrills and wit of that it has a certain bizarre appeal.
I would love to see the UnCut version of this, as there are clear moments where footage has been reused or poorly edited!
I do think though that the acting is terrible, it's slightly too hammy and cartoony especially Tom Everett Scott.
Yeah, Boonduck Saints doesnt really belong there, I kind of just forgot that i put just horrible movies and put that one in the list. Boonduck Saints is great, it's one of my favorite movies WITH good acting.
I like it too actually, I gave it a 7. I like funny horrormovies like also Idle Hands. I was surprised coming here to see it's under 5 :eek: Also the cgi of the werewolfs is kinda good, much better than the Harry Potter werewolf wich was really bad.
I was flipping threw the T.V. chanels the other day and came across this movie that had just started. It looked good enuff to watch, so I did, not knowing what it was I was watching. What a surprise when the hole werewolf thing stared to happened, I think not knowing what I was watching made this film much more fun to watch. I like it.
Man do I ever agree with that, I'm a huge werewolf movie fan and these are the worst wolves of all of them, I'll take wErewolf in london and ginger snaps over CGI wolves any day