Song Help.

Whats the name of the song playing at the end of the movie, right when the cridets start comeing up.

Thank You.


"Mouth" by Bush

Be cunning, full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed
-Watership Down


Ight thanks. I allready had the song downloaded. Well the remixed of it. Is the main song of it better then the remixed? And so the song playing right befor the he first transformed when they was in the graveyard, and when she is blinding the harts up, and at the end of the movie right befor the creidets come up. So all 3 of these song are just one song called ( "Mouth" by Bush )???

Thanks Alot.


I've never heard the unmixed verison of "Mouth". I'm sure its good; Bush is a great band. Anyway, "Mouth" is played during the transformation scene and right before the credits come up. The song being played during the heart blending scene, however, is "Loverbeast in Paris" by Smoove Diamonds.

Be cunning, full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed
-Watership Down


ight thanks alot.


No problem.

Be cunning, full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed
-Watership Down


It's one of my favorite songs ever. "Mouth" is like a good song to dance to. It's no wonder that it's on this movie's soundtrack.
