Scarier than London?

I watched this one first, and I thought it was scary *beep*! I honestly didn't like the werewolf scenes cos they scared the heck out of me!

I was a little nervous about watching London because I was told it was a lot scarier and more serious than Paris. But I watched it anyway a few years after I watched Paris and actually thought Paris was scarier! The werewolves were scarier, anyway. And I found London quite funny.



London was meant to be funny- it was a parody on a horror film, albeit, a very clever parody.


London is a classic. Its scary because the wolf isn't stupid looking and the camera angles are very well done(the subway scene). Paris was terrible. I'm sorry, but CGI werewolves are just stupid, not scary.


are you friggin kidding me? This movie didn't scare me, and I first saw it when I was 8. London Was a THOUSAND times scarier than this booger of a film. Come one, there was a werewolf with no legs in this crappy picture. There weren't as many big scares in london. And to the guy who said AWIL is a comedy, rent the DVD, and watch John Landis' interview, his first words " See American Werewolf in London is NOT a comedy" THE WEREWOLVES IN PARIS LOOKED LIKE THEY CAME FROM A CRAPPY VIDEO GAME. If they scared you more than Landis's hound from hell then you don't know scary.


i cant believe i am reading this post. i know it is two years later but to think this is scarier than AWIL makes me sick to my stomach.


I actually found Paris funny, (in a comedic way) and London scary. The Subway scene, perfect example. Also the part at the start when they're walking through the moors... Scary.

Oh god. B, how am I ever going to make things right with her?
Faith this isn't about Buffy

