'Browns' ??

In the ending scene, Pop wants to get the truck to go to town, 'cause there's no booze in the house. He has a line, not in the screenplay, "I got to get me some browns."

Anyone know where that slang term came from or means?


Isn't that what the brand of booze is called?

"I shall see to the matter... as only a highly educated classicist could."


It's whiskey. It's mentioned in the story that the bar fly was telling. He said something like, "All the old man would drink is Brown's Canadian."


What a great movie,there was a line near the end that went something like this"got to go to town get me some browns...err my truck my money"


Not 100% sure but I think it refers to J.T.S. Brown Kentucky bourbon whiskey. The same flavor fancied by "Fast Eddie" Felson in The Hustler.


I thought he just meant any assortment of brown liquors like whiskey, scotch or bourbon. Those are the kind of alcohol hard men like the senior Whitehouse would drink.


Nope. Like the above post stated, the guy at the bar telling the story said. "Always drank Brown's Canadian. Had to have his BC"


always drank bs(browns canadien) a fictional rotgut

This Bellini is starting to look like a real Kapuchnik.


if you look closely, you can tell by the label (white with script-style font) they are actually drinking Canadian Club Whiskey, which comes in a brown bottle. I've never heard of anyone calling it "Brown's", could be a fictional nickname or maybe they didn't want to pay royalties.


Confirmation from the original screenplay, the scene where the local in the bar is telling the college boys the story about Wade's father:

...I'll tell you
who was a pisser. Glen Whitehouse.
There was a real pisser. He was mean
normal, but when he drank it was
like he burst on fire. Canadian Club.
Always drank CC.

So like someone theorized in an earlier post, when they shot the movie they changed a real brand to a fictional brand, surely to avoid having to pay for using the trademark. This movie had a notoriously microscopic budget.
