This was supposed to take place in New Hampshire, although it was filmed in Canada. Does anyone remember what town it is supposed to take place in? I'm curious because I have recently moved to New Hampshire, with the Free State Project!
Well, the opening also says it's "upstate" New Hampshire, which suggests northern New Hampshire, by the border with Quebec. In fact, the movie itself was actually filmed in Quebec, as mentioned above.
I started to watch it Saturday night but couldn't get into it. Having grown up in NH (lbeit it southern NH), it is a rare Halloween with significant snow on teh ground. Looked more like January or February
The location of the movie is in upper New Hampshire, somewhere in the White Mountians area. Supposedly, according to a professor of mine (we read the novel that this movie is based upon), some of the movie was filmed in that area and a bilboard and sign from the movie are still in existance where it was filmed. However, I don't remember where this is...
The location was the fictional town of Lawford, NH. And on Columbus Day weekend around 2002 we got a foot of snow here in Maine, so it is possible. I think the uncommonly early snow in the movie served to illustrate just how bleak Wade's life was becoming as he self-destructed.
As a lifelong resident of NH I have seen it snow as early as the first week of October and as late as Memorial day, 2002 I believe. Rare but it does indeed happen.
I've never heard it called "Upstate New Hampshire", but rather "Northern New Hampshire." We had a snowy Halloween here in MA in 2011, but it was rare to see true snow until Mid November or later. I'd say they were shooting for Jefferson or maybe Bethlehem region.