age of characters

What is with the age varying of the characters? now i understand that knuckle up takes place before kick back, but even so, rocky seems to jump way in age between the two, completly out of proportion with the other two (despite the fact that the two actors are almost the exact same age down to the month, so why does the one look way older?).

but then mega mountain comes along and they all look completly younger than they do in the other movies. now i completly understand why the same actors aren't in it, but I don't understand why the actors appear to be younger than they were before(especially tum-tum, he looks like he should be in kindergarden!!!!). what is up with that?


another thing that i forgot to mention was that in mega mountain rocky states that he is currently 14, in the previous movies, just by appearance he is older than that.


I don't know why your asking these questions or what kind of answers you expect to get. It's a series of children movies. I'm watching this on comcast right now and it's amazing.


I've been trying to figure this out too.

I'm just gonna go with them starting off with Rocky being 11.
In reality he filmed the first one when he was around 12.

So it would be .. Rocky 11.. Colt 10.. Tum Tum.. 7?

They never age Tum Tum to keep the cute factor I guess.
In fact you're right.. he does keep getting younger lmao.

And yeah Sean Fox made Rocky look like he aged 10years.
