bottom 100?

Why in the World is it on the Bottom 100? This is a very good movie!


i wouldnt call it a good movie, it was an ok movie. but it still doesnt deserve to be in the bottom 100.



Yes, it's in the bottom 100. It's ABSOLUTE CRAP!

Last watched: The Truman Show: 9/10


lol! do u have any perspective on movies whatsoever? Are you going to say next that you hated Casablanca?


I have been a fan of the series since I was 5. I always thought the one where they save the Indian girl was the worst. High Noon is 2nd. I like the one where three guys try to kidnap them (I think thats the first one) best.


Hey, nearly two thousand people voted it there, thus, there it belongs.


It dersevse to be there Because its terrible.I couldnt finish it.Tum Tum was the most annoying thing i have ever seen in a movie. He even made Hulk Hogan seem Oscar Worthy


I can't get past the 'hiya' accompanying every kick and punch....this film made me hate most child actors.


I think that the reason why it gets reviewed so badly is peoples awful sense of humor.


Manos is worse than this movie. That movie deserves to be lower than this one.




Wow, I completely agree, Monty Python and the Holy Grail is crap compared to this movie.


You need to be mentally retarded to like this film!
If i could rate it under 1, i would! It SUCKS!


Thank God. At least some people see what this film is about. This was one of my favorite films as a kid. Since this movie is targeted for kids, there is no wonder, adults find it 'awful'. This doesn't belong here for sure.


I remember this being on the bottom 100,its not that bad
the movie is at least a 6.5 or even a 7/10

You want tah fack wit me? You ah fACKING chioah boi compahed tu me ah chioah boi
