last scene ?

What was the significance of the last scene, when the dead bodies are examined in the morgue ? Thanks


I think it's just to show again the waste of two people, none of them won the challenge and now they're just two dead bodies.


so you think this was the teacher and his pupil ?
I was thinking it was kind of a last minute surprise (as happens often in films) where the audience is shown a morgue full of dead bodies suggesting that the teacher's revenge trip killed more people than just the 2 known to the viewer thus far ...


I think it's just to show again the waste of two people, none of them won the challenge and now they're just two dead bodies.

I agree.
I think its to show how, despite what they both thought of themselves and each other, they are 'the same' after all. Two dead humans.
The fact that they positioned Garfield to look at Cesar was especially interesting.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


I agree that was interesting.


Why were wieners covered??


You are not allowed to show penises on camera.


That wasn't the last scene, the last scene was Ellen taking her teaching degree, throwing it in the trash, and walking out. As to the dead bodies being in the morgue, they are being prepared to be buried.


the answer was Pyrrhic victory i assume
