the shoes

I've seen this in various movies
what do hanging shoes on wires/poles mean to americans ?


As far as I know, it means nothing except they were 'able' to get them up there.

When I was a child, I used to see that a lot & asked my classmates why.
The response was basically that it was 'cool' and that its tougher than you think to throw a pair of shoes onto wires.

I think its silly to do that, but eh. 

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


so its basically who is bigger "stud" :P
thanks btw... silly people :P


Avoid the hangover, stay drunk.


It usually happens because somebody beat somebody up and they throw their shoes on the line so they can't get them back

That's why in movies you usually see this in bad areas


Its just a gag they do in the ghetto.
