Cesar is a DUMBA$$

At the end of the movie, Cesar and Mr. G play that game with the gun where they put one bullet into the gun and pull the trigger to see if it goes off. Well after they each go once, Cesar loads the gun himself, watching where he puts the next bullet. Then Mr. G pulls the trigger and nothing happens and then does it once again killing himself. Then Cesar says he has a one in six chance of shooting himself and he ends up killing himself. Well wouldn't he have noticed that he put the bullets right next to each other, i mean i know theres the possibility he didn't exactly see the other bullet but i'm pretty sure he would've just noticed if he put the 2 bullets right next to each other. So what i'm trying to say is that he should have realized that there was a bullet in the next gauge. i hope that made sense



didn't he spin it before he shot? i can't remember its been a while since i've seen it.


No, he didn't spin it.

Anyway, that's some kind of an inconsistency here.
If you watch closely, you can see that when he puts the second bullet in the barrel, there are four emty holes visible due to the light that's passing through them. He places the bullet in one of that holes, but clearly in one in the middle, meaning not near the first bullet.
Anyway, they die by two consecutive shots, so that's somehow inaccurate.

If you analyze every movie in depth, you could never be satisfied, 'cause all of them are full of this kind of mistakes.


He actually did spin it but you never see it. You hear the spin as his friend walks out the room. And fate took its toll.

Pretty sad but powerful scene... it's unfortunate how points of realisation often come when there's no way back. :(.


I know exactly what you mean.. because i thought the exact same thing!!!!!

.... it is possible i guess he wasnt paying attention (looking at the gun) when he loaded teh second bullet

P.S. the game is called: Russian Roulette


I always thought that Cesar is a dumbass because he continued to play "macho" after G shot himself....

simphony N9


he does spin the gun again u can hear it when his little buddies are holding him back. he is still a dumbass though because hes a senior in high school and still cant read



Ah, notice or not, Ceaser had to do it.

If he hadn't, Garfield would have been right. He was continuously teasing Ceaser the entire time, goading him on and making fun of his way of life. If Ceaser had just walked off, He would have known Garfield was right, and it would have eaten at him for the rest of his life.

Now what I don't understand is why he didn't just take the gun with the now two bullets in it, take out the other two (They were scared, their guns lowered, they'd have had no chance) and capture Ceaser? THAT would have been the things to do.

But then, I guess he wouldn't have taught them anything...

Take a Screenshot, It'll last longer!


I just got done watching the movie. No, he does not spin the chamber. He picks up the gun, his friends hold him back, he pushes them away, and BLAM! This is one of Samuel Jackson's best films, I'd have to admit!


The name is CESAR, not Ceaser.



I agree, Ceaser was the dumbest character in the whole movie. It wouldn't surprise me if he had sacrificed the lives of his friends in order for him to live.

I always tell the truth even when I lie-Tony Montana (Scarface)


No Cesar was not afriad to die he didnt give a *beep* as todos cholos that are down dont...


Cesar did in fact spin the chambers. If you listen close right before he pushes his friend, you can hear it.


I think that Cesar knew he would die with the next shot (regardless of inconsistencies in the movie).

I think G actually made him realize that he was on a dead-end path, but he took the message not as a call to reform but rather as a focus on his helplessness. He wanted to prove that he was as big of a harda$$ as he made himself out to be, but at the same time, for him it was his salvation. I think he pulled the trigger not just as a display of machismo, but also as an escape from the life he had dragged himself down to.



He lost big time!!! Just let go.


Just watched it. Yes, he did spin it before he took his shot.


even if the bullets were next to each other in the chambers, it could have been the 2nd one (the he loaded) that killed G so he could have ended up winning the game, but if G just died from the bullet and if they were next to each other (in the chamber) it means that he has more of a 50:50 chance instead of a 1-in-6 chance, but either way it was a cool ending and it worked.


"Now what I don't understand is why he didn't just take the gun with the now two bullets in it, take out the other two (They were scared, their guns lowered, they'd have had no chance) and capture Ceaser? THAT would have been the things to do.

But then, I guess he wouldn't have taught them anything..."

Yeah, because he would only prove that THEY were right.


well what if the first chamber he fires is empty he'd be dead


cesar wasn't a 'dumbass' .. he was what you call .. let's say it together 'dumbasses' .. SUICIDAL :sigh: bunch of retards rolling around lol


Ah, someone thought of it before I could write it.
Thanks.There was a chance that this would happen, barrel spun or not.
I guess Cesar had cojones but his pride still took over.
Even mustachio understood and reformed.
He should have lost the 'stash though.Even in 97, they werent cool.

"Suck my b*tch,D*ck!"
